My 30G stocking


New Member
Apr 26, 2023
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United States
I thought I knew what was going on until I've been reading more in this forum. I did trust my local fish store employee about the stocking for my 30 gallon 😬 now I've come to realize it was a mistake.

So in my 30G: ph7 out of tap, temp is 72°F
I take my water to the store for parameters so I also need to buy a test kit in my next shopping day

I have
5 Odessa Barbs
9 Serpae Tetra
3 Black Skirt Tetras
2 Harlequin Rasboras
1 Clown Pleco L104

I am not even slightly attached to the rasboras and would love to bring them back if I could catch them, so tips appreciated on that😅

I do however want to keep the others. I did read they need higher group numbers and below is the plan I've come up with. But before I make anymore purchases on equipment for another tank I want to make sure this is all correct:

So I should plan to keep the Tetras in the 30gallon with the pleco, maybe add to get their schools each to 10? Or would the pleco do better in cooler water with the odessa barbs?

I have another 30 gallon that I can start cycling to move the odessa barbs to. Then I can make it a species only tank for them. Would 10 or 15 be okay by themselves?

I appreciate any help I can get💕


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Hi! Good on you for doing the research-I think over half of the posts from new members is just this realization and that's ok! You have some beautiful plants.

I agree you should bring the rasboras back asap. They're great fish, but they need a large group, and another tank would be a pain for that. To catch them, try to lower your water level (I usually do by half or more) and net them. Other people may have better netting-technique suggestions than I. Sometimes you might have to remove some of your decor to make it easier to catch them.

Tetras and pleco together sounds good

Barbs tend to do best in a species-only tank. Otherwise, they out-compete and out-attack everything else. Another 30-gallon could work, although some people will argue you should even go bigger (barbs are so active they'll use every inch of tank). Not to mention bigger tanks are just easier to keep (more water means changes in water chemistry aren't as big of a deal). So, if you can go bigger, then do but, if not, you're ok. I would do 10 in a 30-gallon.

How often are you doing water changes/how much? Often, it's recommended to do 25-50% every week with dechlorinated tap water. It would also be great to know your other parameters-gh, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite...
A test kit will save you time and money long-term (we mostly recommend masters test kit-it's pricey, but it works and lasts forever). It is likely that, even though pet store workers know jack about the fish, the numbers they tell you are correct.
So I should plan to keep the Tetras in the 30gallon with the pleco, maybe add to get their schools each to 10? Or would the pleco do better in cooler water with the odessa barbs?

Each tetra species must have a larger group. Hyphessobrycon eques (Serpae) needs 12-15 in a 30 gallon with no other upper fish, as minimum. The pleco should be fine. But the tetras are crucial here.

The Black Skirt Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) is also a feisty species, and should be in groups no less than 10-12. A 30-inch/75cm length tank is minimum, as this is not a small fish when mature and it needs space. No long-fin fish or slow sedate fish should be in the same aquarium. But other similarly robust species in suitable numbers are or should be OK.

I have another 30 gallon that I can start cycling to move the odessa barbs to. Then I can make it a species only tank for them. Would 10 or 15 be okay by themselves?

Pethia padamya will be fine with 10-15, provided the tank is minimum 36 inches/90 cm in length. This is an active swimmer. It attains 2.75 inches. This species tends to remain mid-water, so lower fish should not be an issue (pleco fine). The harlequin rasboras are compatible here, you could consider say 10-11 barbs and 10 rasboras. Again assuming a 3-foot tank.
Oh, maybe I should just do a serpae species only with the pleco. Since i only have 3 of the black skirts, it would be more cost efficient to only add more serpae (if they do better in groups of 15.) Then return the black skirts and rasboras.

For the separate odessa species only, I do have a 40g breeder I could use instead of the other 30g. I will do measurements on the aquariums when I get home 😊
Hi! Good on you for doing the research-I think over half of the posts from new members is just this realization and that's ok! You have some beautiful plants.

I agree you should bring the rasboras back asap. They're great fish, but they need a large group, and another tank would be a pain for that. To catch them, try to lower your water level (I usually do by half or more) and net them. Other people may have better netting-technique suggestions than I. Sometimes you might have to remove some of your decor to make it easier to catch them.

Tetras and pleco together sounds good

Barbs tend to do best in a species-only tank. Otherwise, they out-compete and out-attack everything else. Another 30-gallon could work, although some people will argue you should even go bigger (barbs are so active they'll use every inch of tank). Not to mention bigger tanks are just easier to keep (more water means changes in water chemistry aren't as big of a deal). So, if you can go bigger, then do but, if not, you're ok. I would do 10 in a 30-gallon.

How often are you doing water changes/how much? Often, it's recommended to do 25-50% every week with dechlorinated tap water. It would also be great to know your other parameters-gh, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite...
A test kit will save you time and money long-term (we mostly recommend masters test kit-it's pricey, but it works and lasts forever). It is likely that, even though pet store workers know jack about the fish, the numbers they tell you are correct.
I do 50% water change every other week. I've never had any issues since cycling, which I did without fish. For water I use the API tap water conditioner

Maybe I can have someone help me catch them if catching at half full doesn't work lol ill hold a net and they can direct them towards me or something 😅
Oh, maybe I should just do a serpae species only with the pleco. Since i only have 3 of the black skirts, it would be more cost efficient to only add more serpae (if they do better in groups of 15.) Then return the black skirts and rasboras.

For the separate odessa species only, I do have a 40g breeder I could use instead of the other 30g. I will do measurements on the aquariums when I get home 😊

This would work well, on both counts. The rasboras would be fine in with the odessa, both in groups as I previously suggested.

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