My 3 female Bettas!!


Fish Crazy
Aug 14, 2005
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Northwest England.
Just thought i would share some pics of my female Bettas, The first 2 are sisters and i have had them around 6 months now.......

Heres the first one.... i call her scar face due to the red markings on her head




This one is my fav... she has a great temprerment


This one is quite new, the shop told me it was female but i have my doubts... could it be male????



And finaly the 2 sisters together

Lovely girls! I believe that one that you think is male is female, I think I can see the oviposter. Looking under its belly is there a tiny white dot/bump thing? If so, it's a female, if not it's probably a male.

They're beautiful though! I love Scarface, she looks just like my Gigi did when I got her...turns out tht she was a red marble though and not a cambodian like I thought, She is now fairly red.

Beautiful girls!
Lovely girls! I believe that one that you think is male is female, I think I can see the oviposter. Looking under its belly is there a tiny white dot/bump thing? If so, it's a female, if not it's probably a male.

Yes it is female... spotted the white bit last night!
Wow, those females are rather plump :lol:. They look very well cared for :)
I'm jealous hehe, such pretty girls. If the pretty red one dosent have a name yet, you should call her "Ladyboy" :lol:
Synirr said:
Wow, those females are rather plump :lol:. They look very well cared for :)

Yes they are very greedy little things!!! i put some pelets in for the BN plecs and they eat them whole... the first time i saw them eat them i thought they would have choked on them.

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