My 29gallon Aquarium


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Hey all, this is my 29gallon aquarium :)


2 angel fish
3 albino cory catfish (soon to be more -around 8-10 in total.)
1 BN pleco
1 Clown Pleco
1 African butterfly fish

The tank








African Butterfly fish


BN pleco

Albino Cory cats



Those torn fins are from a while back, they still haven't fully healed... My dad thought that a pair of convict cichlids would look nice in the tank (this way when they were in the 55gallon) so he bought them... Well those guys bred and the angels got attacked in the process :( I had 4 angels originally these are my last 2... The big one (Nemo -the tan colorations on it) is over a year and a half now :) Almost 2 years actually :D
Nice fish, that last cory pic is great. I dunno why, but I do like albino corys :good: .
Are they albino peppered corys, or bronze?
Just Albino corys, not sure what the scientific name is, I bought em at Petsmart if that helps.
I hope they'll heal soon too, but I've had them in that state for well over 3 months now and no change so I don't know :(
How does that red tail black shark behave in the tank?

also, weird to see a butterfly fish in there!
Yea that butterfly fish is my little baby, he's fine in the tank, bothers nobody thus far, but he may be getting a 10gallon to himself soon as I'll be adding a shoal of 10-12 Tiger Barbs tonight and (as well known with these fish) he may decide to eat them if they come too close lol.

The RTBS is surprisingly calm, actually it takes to hiding as much as the plecos do lol, but he's a bit more active when it comes to his food, or when I actually pay attention to him and not the angels :p
You seriously think 10-12 Tiger barbs in a 29 gall tank with the rest of the stuff and adding another 7 Albino Cory is ok???

Id seriously look at your fish and have another think about it prior to cramming all ths Tigers in there.
Woops forgot I'm adding corys too... hmm well then, looks like my stocking has to change, oh and for the futrue Dark, there are nicer ways of saying such things...
It's sad to see angels so ripped. :|

Do you have any pictures of your clown pleco? :rolleyes:
They are shy fish !
It's sad to see angels so ripped. :|

yes indeed it is :( They're still fine and healthy, they just don't look it lol...

Do you have any pictures of your clown pleco? :rolleyes:
They are shy fish !

Haha! lol that's a good one :p No unfortunatly I haven't been able to get a decent shot of my clown pleco... evertime I manage to get one it's either of a bit of the fin, or just a blur because he runs away lol, I'll try my darndest, but I doubt that at this point in time I'll be able to get a shot, he's taken to hiding... ALOT! :angry:
Woops forgot I'm adding corys too... hmm well then, looks like my stocking has to change, oh and for the futrue Dark, there are nicer ways of saying such things...

Hmm... It seemed fine to me...

Anyways, Dark is right. Too many fish. I bet those Tiger Barbs will like those Angel fins just like the Convicts, although in a bigger group they may be okay...

That tank doesn't look 29 gallons, but I say that about almost every tank shot that I see :lol:

If they haven't healed in 3 months, then it's something else chewing on them. Either remove the culprit or remove the Angels...
I had them with Pictus catfish in the 55gallon tank, could those have been the culprits? or mabye the RTBS, could he be the little fin nipper??

Also, would a shoal of say 6 cherry barbs be alright?

So the final tank stock would be 10 cory catfish, 1 BN pleco, 1 clown pleco, 2 angelfish, 1 butterfly fish and 6 cherry barbs (and possibly the RTBS)...

Would the RTBS be alright in a 75gallon tank with african cichlids??

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