My 29G Rebuild Thread/journal


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2012
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I have been neglecting my current tank for the past couple months and finally decided last week that I wanted to redo it and make it "fun" again.   I decided on a full rebuild from the floor up (literally). 
here is how it looked before.... so sad to see it get this way.  Algae outbreak all over driftwood and algae on glass.

Purchased new drift wood last week from my LFS and have it soaking in buckets.   Also purchased new plants which are currently "living and growing" in my tank until I get my new one setup and running.  
I will be relocating some of my livestock, i got ants in my pants and bought some fish that would be better suited in a longer tank (rainbow fish and common pleco)
newdriftwood is not pictured, unless you want me to take pic of the bucket its in
  ..tank is cloudy from putting plants in.

I always wanted to build my own stand, I ran a metal framed stand for MANY years and wanted somthing nicer looking but built to my specs and sturdy. It is almost finished, need to finish up the lighting inside and install a magnetic switch to activate the lights once door opens, and fix my one light.   Once thats done it will be stained and then moved inside.






in this pic only one of the bottom shelf lights is working, need to sort it out this evening.

A local chain pet store was having their $1 per gallon sale, so I went and picked up another 29g tank to work with.  The tank is located on the 3rd floor of my moms house, which is 80 years old, so I didnt want to upgrade to a bigger tank for fear that it would put too much weight on the floor.   I'll eventually move up to something larger when I have my own place/purchase the house from my parents and can have free roam of the whole thing
tank has been leak tested, and the background will be painted a semi gloss black as long as it is not too humid tonight.

Thats it so far.  I'll have more updates after tonight when I can work on it more.

That looks absolutely gorgeous!
Along with relocating some of your fish, are you going to be adding any new ones?
I wouldn't mind seeing the driftwood and buckets :p
Ninjouzata said:
That looks absolutely gorgeous!
Along with relocating some of your fish, are you going to be adding any new ones?
I wouldn't mind seeing the driftwood and buckets
Thanks!   I will probably replace them with 1 blue or opaline gourami.  I have always loved them and they add nice color to the tank.  I've always had a male and female but they never got along and one would be stuck in a corner, so i will stick with just 1 this time around... but it wont be for awhile as my tank is already overstocked IMO.
my current livestock is :
2 rainbow fish (going to be relocated)
1 Common pleco (will be relocated back to LFS)
5 black skirt tetras (had these forever, and they are fun schooling fish)
6 cory cats~ 3 albino and 3 emerald
1 peacock gudgeon
3 sword fish fry that i grew from TINY babies who are still about a half inch long.. the mother died and i didn't get any more from her
I'll see if I can get a picture of the wood in the buckets

forgot to add before an update:
got the stand stained last night, still need to lay a laminate over the inside shelves and I did fix the light issue. However now I am second guessing installing a switch to turn them on and off when I open it... i am having a lot of trouble finding a proper magnetic switch for the voltage I need.
i'll update this even if peopel aren't viewing it ;)
did the shelves last night in a marbled look shelving paper.  Also going to paint the inside wood supports black to better compliment the lighter colored shelves and not stand out so much.
also got both lights working on the bottom.

Becoming even more gorgeous :D
looks good so far! I want to set up my new tank so bad! (I'm waiting on a new top frame because the center brace on my bowfront broke). Can't wait to see more!
Looks cool. Ive built a couple stands and itd always nice to see what other people are commin up with!

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