My 20g Tank


New Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Hey i'm new here and new to the UK and just wanted to tell you a little about my tank and me ^_^

My Tank
Low tech
Size: 60 x 35 x 45
Lighting: 2x 18w T8 Bulbs
CO2: None
Ferts: None
Substrate: River Pebbles
Filter: Fluval 2+ Internal Filter

Here is a picture of my tank. There are no fish in there yet and the tank is fully cycled. Plants are all Unknown besides the Java fern on the bog wood.

Its been up and running for 3 months, and now that things have settled down with moving in to the new place I have been tinking about making this baby high tech and adding fish.

I will use Latrine mixed with Eco-complete for the substrate, One Nutrafin Natrual CO2 diffuser, up the lighting to 2.4-3.0 wpg, and my ferts will be EI.

I haven't decided on plants yet but I'd like a pair of German Dwarf Rams and/or maybe a pair of BN but thats still not decided yet.

Oh and a little about me :D
I'm 16
I'm 6'3" ;)
I'm American but I have never lived In America only over seas
I live in Harrogate, UK
I love fish, reptiles and the outdoors
I love Rugby, and American Football and play both

Hope to hear from you guys

Looks good. Those other plants look like Hygro polysperma and some sort of Crypt (maybe wendtii)

All I know about them is they growing like beasts. I like fast growing plants :X
Thanks :D

I just picked up everything I will need to make this baby high tech! :hyper:

Everything I got :drool:
  • Eco-Complete
  • Latrine
  • Nutrafin CO2 System
  • NPK, Trace and Iron liquid ferts
  • One more T8 tube and a moon light

It's not much, but it will make a lot of difference when I add the new plants and fish.

I hope to get these Fish (Suggestions welcome)
  • Panda Cory x 4
  • Cardinal Tetra x 6
  • Bolivian Ram x 2
  • Cherry Shrimp x 4


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