My 2.5g tank of death

White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
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I re-did/cleaned/redecorated the tank after 4 deaths in 2 days.


  • tank_AWAY.jpg
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DevilsAdvocate said:
looks good itty..whats you got in there? anything?
One of my two remaining female bettas (Jewel) and 2 otos (dwarf catfish). :)
Daaaaang... 4 deaths in 2 days?? Those were the white clouds right? Do you know what happened? Sheesh that sucks, I'm sorry. Maybe they had some sort of disease unique to them or something.. :dunno:

Anyways, it looks really good! I really love the decoration on the left. And I'm sure that Jewel is enjoying her new spacious home. :p
juliethegr8t said:
Daaaaang... 4 deaths in 2 days?? Those were the white clouds right? Do you know what happened? Sheesh that sucks, I'm sorry. Maybe they had some sort of disease unique to them or something.. :dunno:

Anyways, it looks really good! I really love the decoration on the left. And I'm sure that Jewel is enjoying her new spacious home. :p
The 4 white clouds I have were taken out and split up in 2 Azoo tanks. It was the 3 tiger barbs that got hit and Awww - my littlest female cambodian.... She's missing. When I put her in the tank, she was like "WHEEEEEE!!!" and "What's dis?" swims under the java moss and goes "Whut dis?" and then swims above the moss, looks at the otos and goes "Hewwo mista oddo!" and then looks out from the tank and goes "OOooooo... Whut dat?"..... She was so cute.... I can't even find the body..... :sad:


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