My 2 20g Long Tanks


Fish Herder
Oct 6, 2006
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I started this stand a long time ago. Then life happened... I am finally getting it finished so I can get my tanks out of the floor and get them running.
I thought I would go ahead and get the journal started now.
This stand is my first attempt at building anything. I am right now working on getting it sanded and stained. I was going to close it in and make it pretty, but it was brought to my attention that it would really make maintenance a lot harder with it inclosed. I started thinking about it and decided against closing it in. I have too many tanks to keep up with. Maintenance needs to stay as simple as possible.
Here it is so far...

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That is the 2 20g long tanks that will be in it. The 10g on bottom won't be there. I am going to build a box/drawer to go there to hold supplies.

What do you think so far?

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:
Looks great ICEGIRL, although I wouldn't be able to resist keeping the 10G tank too!
What fish are you planning on keeping or have you got the fun part of deciding all over again? ;)
I am planning on making a stand that stacks my 60 & 55g tanks next. Then the 3 10g tanks will get their stacking stands. I am going to be busy for a long time...

For now I am going to get them set up and planted. I haven't even thought about what fish will be going in them yet. They will definately have corys of some kind. Other than that... I don't know.

I am open to suggestions. I do know that I want something different... I just have no idea what.

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:
That looks really secure, ICEEGRL. Good work. Looking forward to seeing the end product.

Thanks... It weighs a ton though. I tend to over do... I didn't want to take any chances of it falling apart.
I didn't get it sanded yet. The doctor put me on some new meds and I am staying kind of zonked... I do hope to get it done in the next few days...

I have plants coming, and some of them will go in one of these tanks. I have to get them ready.
I also have a box of filters that I need to put together and try out. I have had them for a while and have still not really gone through the box yet. I have got to get that done. There is a lot that I have got to get done.

I will be so glad to see them up and running. It is just unnatural to have empty tanks sitting around the house. I can't wait to start filling them! I have been trying to figure out how I want to do each one. I am still undecided. For now I will be happy to get the stand finished with the tanks in them. Then I can decide how I want them scaped and stocked.

I would love to hear suggestions... keeping in mind that they are only 20g long tanks. :good:

Thanks for looking and posting.
It was a challenge though. All of the pieces were cut out with a hand saw, and most of the screws put in with a regular screw driver. It was killing my carple tunnel so I ended up learning to use a drill to put in pilot hole and then the screws...
I have now bought a small sander and jig saw. They are still in the packages though. I am going to learn to use the sander today. The jig saw will come later. I got it for cutting the plywood for the rest of the stands. That was hard to do with a hand saw. The 2x4s are not that hard to do with the hand saw, and I figure it might be too thich to use that tiny saw... I have found that I really like making stuff, so as I attempt more things I will get more confident and will probably end up investing a little more in convenience tools. The tools will have to come a little at a time though. The only real problem with doing it all without any power tools is that it takes a lot longer... and of coarse you have to work a lot harder... but it does work.

I am planning on getting this stand sanded and stained today. I want to get the tanks in it tonight or in the morning.
I have plants coming today, and a few of them will be going in these tanks, so I have to get it finished. I need at least one of the tanks filled and ready to plant...

Once I get the tanks in the stand I am going to use one of them to start new cuttings and such for a little while... It will probably house my betta...
The other one will get planted and ready for fish. I just have to make up my mind what I want to put in it. I am now thinking I want a pair of german blue rams. I have been looking around, but I have not yet found anywhere/anyone that sells pairs though.

I am planning on going this weekend to hunt for some interresting rocks and maybe some wood. Maybe I will get lucky and find something. I hope so...

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:
Well... absolutely nothing got done with the stand today. My plant order came in today, and I had to get something done with them.
Maybe tomorrow I will be able to get it done. Nothing went the way I had planned today.
I guess it will now be the weekend before I can get these 2 tanks running. Sanding and staining and all will take a couple of days... If all goes well I will be able to get the stand finished and it get dry in time for me to get them up and running this weekend. I am so ready to see them set up! Empty tanks bother me.
I do still need to get some things though. I need a decent substrate for them. I am probably going to get eco-complete. I am also considering flourite... I think I saw that they have a black sand flourite now... would that be good?
I have to decide soon. I need to get it ordered. Which would be better?

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:
Looks really great! Closing the bottom off with doors or a drawer sounds nice; storage is always a good thing.
Thanks Wendy. I sent you a message about that gravel you gave me. I love it and want to find more. I have never seen any with that small of grain size. I need some information about it. All the bag says is Dekoline carat 8 apuarium quartz. I did try to google it, but I didn't find anything about this gravel. It is the perfect size. I need to find out where to get it, or atleast more info about it so maybe I can get better search results.
Thanks again for everything. :good:
Nice stand, total overkill on the build, I like it. Check garage sales for used tools, a buddy of mine was over yesterday, showed me an old circular saw he got at a garage sale, $10. They used to build them heavy duty 30 years ago, it's a Craftsman to boot, lifetime warranty.

Taking your time gives you the advantage of thinking things through more thoroughly, you will end up with a better finished product that way. Hand tools will give you a workout, it's good exercise the way I see it. I always laugh at people who pay for lawn service & snow removal, then pack their trendy gym bag & head off to Ballys. I guess someone has to keep the economy going, I'm too cheap & bullheaded for that.

With a little practice & some basic tools you will be surprised how much nice stuff you can make cheaply for around the house.
Thanks. I was worried that it would not be strong enough or stay together :shifty: I was unable to decide how strong is strong enough. Overkill and I have been good friends for a long time. :lol:

Thanks for the links. I checked them and they are a bit high. They don't give any information about the size of the gravel either. If I knew the grain size I could search that and maybe find some a little cheaper somewhere.

Does anyone know what the grain size is on the gravel in the links that Wendy put up for me? It is about 1/4 the size of standard aquarium gravel. (If not smaller)

I have still not started sanding. I don't know why, but I just can't get in the mood. I guess I will just have to force myself. I had better go get started, or I will never get it done.

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:
Well... the stand is now sanded and stained. I will try to get the poly on tomorrow.
Here is how it looks now.
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The color don't look like it did on the can. I should have expected that. I think I will like it though. I will have to. It is on there now.
I will be glad when it is finished so I can get my tanks in it.

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:

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