My 1st Coral


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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hi ive been setting up for my 1st coral in the tank ive got a anenome but one thats on live rock already so it doesnt move thank god. its for my 2 percs comming in, in a few weeks time now its been very shy at start like any other as ive herd but now its starting to come out more but the cleaner shrimps walks over it so it goes back into a ball again!? why? also when i turn the light off at night it goes intoa ball then only to come out the next day when im home from college. why!

btw turns out ive got some hitch hikers on there too think they are polyps! that good? and they easy to care for?
Well...Gee...This has be discussed before. Comments have been made about being rude. So here goes.

I will not say your screwed or call you dumb. You may or may not be. Depends. Basic questions. Size of tank? lighting? Watts per gallon? params? Etc?

First thing. Aneomes are not "attached" to anything. You may have bought him on some live rock, but the fact of the matter is, if he doesnt like where you put him, he will move. As for the balling up it could be any number of reasons. He could be tired, stressed, harrassed (by your shrimp), hungry, expelling wastes, capturing food, the list goes on. Or he could just be having fun. They do things for no apparent reason sometimes.

My advice? Return it. I had one, unfortunitly I wanted to try. It didnt work out, and the only reason it didnt nuke my tank is because I checked on it twice a day. They require near perfect water conditions, and extreme lighting. IF I were ever to try again it would be under these conditions:

A) LAST thing to go in the tank. PERIOD. They dont like change.
B) AT LEAST 4-5 watts per gallon, in a shallow tank, 5-6 wpg in a taller tank
C) Stable params for at least 2 months before hand

Answer my above questions and we may be able to help you more.
hard to know where to start!

ohh.....heres a good place - TAKE IT BACK!

i understand the need for a nice happy forum but COME ON! some people have to be told!

1. either you have a coral OR an is not the other. hopefully you have a coral..but it does sound like you have a nem which is a pity as it will prob soon be dead.

2. as said above, it CAN fact the only reason yours may not move is that it will be dead soon.

3. you need to RESEARCH what you buy.

4. the clowns dont need it and what will prob happen is they host with it till its dead then get stressed because its dead and your scooping it out.

This forum (and others) are great for advice but the way to obtain that is to ask for it is a bit late.

Your options are a bit limited now you can either:

keep it if you READ UP on what you own, make sure you have GOOD lights and EXCELLENT water and hope for the best.....i would say if you have perfect conditions you are looking at 40% chance it will live. If you have less than perfect you could be looking at 5%, if you carry on as you are....maybe .0000001%

or take it back and get an LPS coral for your clowns (after reseaching the type you want and the setup it requires)


ps- feel free to let the above washover you and land on the shoulders or the LFS if they "sold" this to you (taking some responsibility would be no bad thing though)
hi ive just found out now its not a anenome! its a Toadstool Mushroom Leather Coral, Brown one hence why its on a peice of live rock.

and no fence to u dude but i come here asking for help and advice ur having ago at me like ur my flipping parents! so id rather u take this conversation to a more adult and helpful conversation then calling my a thicko alright! thought a leather coral was an anemone? I highly doubt that.

If it was on live rock already and it sucks in when your cleaner shrimp goes by, it's probably an aptasia... In which case you're going to have a hell of a time getting rid of it.
wtf does that supposed to mean gettign rid of?
if you cant tell the difference between a toadstool and an anemone you need to stop keeping stock and start reading. theres nothing wrong with being new to this but at this stage you sound competent enough to keep salt in the tank and not much else.

research first, then research again...then buy (maybe, if you have done more research)
Any chance of a pic

wtf does that supposed to mean gettign rid of?
"getting rid of" as in eradicating. Aiptasia is a pest that will overtake your tank and sting other corals. There are few ways to get rid of aiptasia.

Google is your friend... Do google image search for "toadstool leather mushroom", "anemone", and "aptasia" and you'll get a bunch of pictures of each for comparison.



this was from today the biggest its been so far think its just gettgin finally used to the water. btw if u can see in last pic bottom corner there are these red dots with white ended tenticles now when i lookat that them they looked like aipistia. but i read on one site that if u poke them shoot into the live rock but if not dont worrie. so i did to find they went into like a ball tube thing is the onyl way i cn describe it. and if it helps ive got some brown with turquoise dots on them they look like polps on the other side of the root?



this was from today the biggest its been so far think its just gettgin finally used to the water. btw if u can see in last pic bottom corner there are these red dots with white ended tenticles now when i lookat that them they looked like aipistia. but i read on one site that if u poke them shoot into the live rock but if not dont worrie. so i did to find they went into like a ball tube thing is the onyl way i cn describe it. and if it helps ive got some brown with turquoise dots on them they look like polps on the other side of the root?

Looks like toadstools to me, though would be better if there was a pic of them without polyps extended.
Yeah im not sure y most people get anemones and have corals, anemones can move around whenever they please and sting other corals, and kill them! If u want the clown/anemone symbiotic relationship, my advice would b 2 not get corals unless u can find somewhere that the anemone cant get to! good luck

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