My 11 Gallon (My First Tank!!)


New Member
Feb 20, 2004
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This is my first tank, an 11 gallon, had it for 8 weeks, running for 5 weks after the fishless cycle. :D It is home to 2 Albino Corys, 3 Rummy Nosed Tetras, 1 Sucking Loach, and my new male Ram.


My new Ram :)

i wouldnt let your heater stick out of the water that much though i did that and my heater cracked and fell apart. just some advice. once again thats a pretty cool tank
charliecanskatesome said:
i wouldnt let your heater stick out of the water that much though i did that and my heater cracked and fell apart. just some advice. once again thats a pretty cool tank
That's only for the bottom 'element' bit. It's ok for the top to stick out.

Is 11 galls too big for STOTM? If not I'd like to nominate. :)
Thanks a lot for the comment guys, i tried to be a little original with this tank (can you tell :p ), all i need to do is add a background to take the focus off of my heater, the only part of the heater that is sticking out of the water is a small part which is used to change the temp. Oh and thanks for the nomination Cheese Specialist :D
FOTM for the picture of the ram someone better second it :p

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