My 100 gallon Oscar tank


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Jan 21, 2025
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United Kingdom
I have decided to invest my money into a 105 gallon tank as I want to give my single tiger Oscar a forever home.

I am going to be running a 110 tidal HOB, sponge filter and potentially canister if that doesn’t feel enough.

Tank will be lightly planted with sturdy anubias attached to the wood and some other sturdy plants.

Is there any tank mate I could have with my single Oscar in a 105 if any. Possibly a small birchir, silver dollar, bala shark etc.

Please let me know
Bala sharks are schooling fish and need more space. Silver dollars are schooling but I'd be wary on putting something that might step on the oscars toes in the same water column space.

Bichir could work though, provided you have places they can shelter. They can be a little reclusive. And you source one large enough that it won't be a snack for your current oscar.
Bala sharks are schooling fish and need more space. Silver dollars are schooling but I'd be wary on putting something that might step on the oscars toes in the same water column space.

Bichir could work though, provided you have places they can shelter. They can be a little reclusive. And you source one large enough that it won't be a snack for your current oscar.
Thank you, what about for bottom section fish tank mates in my 105. Catfish etc
the old school thought was a pleco, to help keep the glass clean... 30 years ago those were mostly commons, but they get huge, and aren't as available in the hobby anymore... I did keep a royal in with my Oscar, but they eat wood mostly and don't clean the glass, so you shouldn't look at them as house keeping, or any of the other specialty plecos ... Back then, I also had shovel nose catfish... I had a big Tiger shovel nose in with one of my Oscar's... but buying anything, you'll need to make sure it's size is equal that of your Oscar
Thank you, what about for bottom section fish tank mates in my 105. Catfish etc
Bichir are bottom section fish. They're also predators and will fit anything in their mouth that they can, so I'd keep it the bichir and Oscar

Or, go with a larger pleco as Magnum suggested, that's also a workable fish.
Bichirs were not in the hobby back when I had Oscar's ( 30 plus years ago ) but they'll try eating just about anything, I lost an 8 inch pleco, to a 12 inch bichir...
this is what my tiger shovelnose looked like... not sure how big your Oscar is currently, but with anything similar, it should at least be as long as your Oscar

this is what my tiger shovelnose looked like... not sure how big your Oscar is currently, but with anything similar, it should at least be as long as your Oscar

Thank you, the tiger shovel is way to big for my tank unfortunately, apart from birchirs and pleco in there any other good tank mates for my Oscar in a 105 gallon?
It's a gamble, as many options may wind up lunch depending on the size of your Oscar.
That does leave it a little easier to look into tankmates that won't be eaten before they grow large enough.

I'd be hesitant to recommend clown loaches unless you were planning to upgrade to even larger than this tank size in the farther future (they're slow growing, but they can get massive and are schooling fish), but they're a possibility with some considerations.

Perhaps could look into striped Raphael catfish, or some of the larger synodontis catfish. Featherfins are lovely
I would keep the Oscar alone. Why" 100 gallons isn't that large a tank, and Oscars get big.

The best guideline is to never look at your fish now. Look at its maximum growth possibility, and assume you'll treat it well and it will get there. That said, there are a lot of less common, well armoured Loracarid catfish that could work. They're cool creatures in their own right. Avoid common plecos and gibbiceps. They get too large.
That's also another factor. And why I'd not consider other upperlevels.

You could get yourself a nice 6 foot tank and get your oscar another oscar as a friend, they do enjoy the company of their own provided they have enough room.

They have the potential to reach 14-16 inches, so keep this in mind.

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