My 10 gallon


Mar 23, 2003
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Here's a couple pics of my 10 gallon. I don't like it because it's so bright and unnatural looking. Hot pink gravel :crazy: I threw in every plastic plant I had in the hopes that some fry would make it to adulthood. Once the fry grow up I'll completely redecorate (new background, change to sand, live plants, etc.)


Here's a close-up:
I don't think it's so bad! ;) Pink is about the most unnatural color of gravel you can get though! LOL :lol:

I think it's rather pretty :*)

It's different, but I like it! Is definitely unearthly... could be a shallow sea on some alien world! :thumbs: Maybe that is what the seas on ancient Mars looked like! ;)
ya know, pink would NOT be my first choice, but somehow, its kind of working in there................................
Hi cutechic :)

I don't think the fish mind the pink gravel, and they probably do like all the interesting plants. :D
I wanted a brown/ neutral coloured gravel or sand, but when my platy unexpectedly had fry, hot pink was the only gravel I had. I couldn't make it to the lfs to pick up a different colour gravel right away and I wanted to cycle my 10 gallon as fast as I could, because the tank the fry & parents were in was already overcrowded.

Anyway, when the fry grow up I'm going to sell them to the lfs and make the 10 gallon a puffer tank, which is a good excuse to redecorate :fun: and I think I'll give the hot pink gravel to my little cousin ;)

The fish do seem to feel at ease in the 10 gallon. All I need in there is a giant treasure box or a sunken ship :lol:
HeatherSweetness said:
I think the plants look great,but that pink gravel burns my retinas!! :rofl:
Mine too :rolleyes: I don't know what possessed me to buy it in the first place :whistle:

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