My 1 gal



This is my 1 gal, currently housing too many rescued guppys, and 1 Blacklined Tetra. The count is up to 12 now, taken from a street gutter, two blocks away from my house.
I'm building a bigger tank, but in the mean time, the residents seem OK with it. They eat a lot, and move a lot, and even got pregnant!

Gotta finish my 5 gal though!


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thats a one gallon??? looks pretty good sized, maybe its just hte picuture. what are its dimensions?
Let me lock up here at the office, get home, remeasure, and get back to you with the exact dimensions. I do now it's around a 1 gal because when I do my 25% water change, it comes out to about a liter, which is roughly a quarter gallon.

The picture is an extreme closeup. Look at he filter on the left. And the thermometer is only about 4 inches long
OK. I'm home...
Dimensions (outside):
25cm wide x 12cm deep x 20cm high
Now, subtracting glass thickness, and 2,5cm of air on the top, total inner water
volume is 4.743cc, or 1,25 US gallons, or 1,04 UK gallons.
:lol: I thought that tnak was huge when I first saw it, then when I looked at the thermometer I got a scare :lol: . Hey, nice tank! :thumbs:
how what? :eek: :huh: im soooooooooo confused!!!!!!!!!

mines a 3 gallon and the dimentions are 12 inches(wide) by 8(high) inches by 8(length) inches
does that mean mines a 1 gallon?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ouch overstocked!! Good luck getting your new tank sorted, but anything for them sounds better than the street gutter!!! Well done to you for taking them in!!!

Looks pretty good too :thumbs:
akhtar said:
mines a 3 gallon and the dimentions are 12 inches(wide) by 8(high) inches by 8(length) inches
does that mean mines a 1 gallon?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. your tank comes out to 12.585 cubic centimetersin all, which amounts to 3,32 US gals. Less the glass thickness, and the air at the top, you should be pretty close to 3 gals.

Note: My measurements are in centimeters, and that probably threw u off
In inches mine is roughly a 10 x 5 x 8

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