Oh I am so excited about this
After alot of theorizing and pondering, testing and trials...
I had great success with this CT pair. Koosh (fuschia cambo CT female) x Spotlight (Red butterfly CT male).
sorry for poor pics: male http

female: http

Second time was the charm - first time he ate the babies when they started to freeswim

I changed alot of things this time around, they did a GREAT job - mom was so full of eggs, and he was so dedicated he covered the ENTIRE top of a 10 gal with bubblenest! It was insane!
So, removed pops today, looks like at least 100 babies. Again, the CT babies seem stronger than HM's. I do from some testing last time know they grew 3x as fast, and ate Hm's too

I'll try to get you some recent fry pics soon, been so crazy busy! I'll dig up pics of mom and dad for you right now too.