Mutilted fox


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
I looked in the quarantine tank and one of my flying foxes had it's stomach eaten out :sick: . The only other fish in there were 3 otos and another flying fox. I think the fox did it but I thought they only fight when mature. Could it have been a disease? It was sooo nasty. I don't and can't get a pic being as i flushed him but imagin one with a belly missing. :-( :sick:
Well, no idea why your fox died, but I would doublecheck your water parameters, maybe do an extra water change and then keep everyone in quarantine for an extra week. He may have come from the source with something and you don't want that making it's way (via the other fox, for example) into your main tank. Boy did I learn that the hard way...

Better safe than sorry!

Good luck and I hope everything turns out ok for the other fish...
Most algae eaters, ottos, flying foxes, SAE's, farowallas, pl*cos will take any opportunity they can get to get some extra nutrition...hence the eaten out stomach. Chances are it did probably die and then as a result was seen as a potential food source with lots of valuable nutrients.
I agree with the theory of post-mortem wounds. My NW cichlid tank is fairly peaceful, but if anyone ever dies in there, you will hear a lot of splahing and thrashing and within 5 minutes all that's left is a head and spine (if that). I wouldn't be too worried about the mutilation, more concerned with what caused the death.

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