It sounds to me like we all are a right bunch of softies

Me a "SOFTY" Na.....
Unless you call Someone a Softy that, Will take in anything "WITH" a Sad Story.
I've taken in fish that have Been in a PS tank for Several Visits, Much like you all because I figured No One would Want it.
I "BOUGHT" a Snail one time Because it had a "Mineral" problem and had Holes in it's Shell, Brought it Home "Cracked' eggs for it's Shell peices, and "GOT" some Medical Super Glue to put over the affected Spots and Nursed it back to Health, I brought it Home because the PS was going to toss it out, And I told them I'd take it, It became one of My Favorite Snails I've Ever had...
I've brought home Bird's because One had a busted Foot, Now she's doin fine and is one of the Neatest Budgies I've ever had, Drove 150 miles to get a Conure because the Ladie took it to her Vet cause She No longer wanted it, Is now one of my Wifes Favorites,
Got a Guinea Pig because while in the PS seen he had a Sore Spot on his Rear, asked Why and they Told me the others Picked on him all the time, I rescued him and he's my Baby,
And the List goes On and On.
My Wife "HATES" to let me go to a PS alone cause she's afraid, Of what Might be "NEXT".
Your Not the only Softies out there, I'm a Softy for "Critters" as well...