Mustard Gas Vt?


Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC
So I decided to go to my LFS a day before their new stock homes in and see if any of the 'unwanted' fish caught my eye. Well, one did. He's brown, so I'm thinking he might be a mustard gas, or he could just be very pale from stress, I don't know. I've taken a couple picture's, someone want to help me determine his color?




Ignore the white dots on him, it's just bubbles from the water being too warm. :X
What a gorgeous boy!! :wub:
Looks like a variation of mustard gas to me. They come in all different shades now
I actually got a guy like that, once, for my place of work. He was about the same color, but after the shop stress went away, he turned brilliant blue.

They hadn't changed his water in a week, and was still in blue water, from being shipped in. :/
Does that blue show up just looking at him or did the flash bring that out? If he's just brown..he's probably a chocolate. Cute though.
His blue is naturally like that because my camera doesn't even have flash, it does get brighter when I shine the light on him. Well, he's still the same color, I'm glad it wasn't paleness from stress because he's very unique, probably one of the most unique bettas I own. :fun:

Thanks for your input, everyone.

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