Musings from a new fishkeeper


Fish Fanatic
Jun 14, 2004
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Firstly, let me just say that I have had very little experience with fishkeeping, and this website and you folks have been a tremendous resource!! Thanks so much!

I have been reflecting on my experiences with fish in the past, and my recent experiences as well. I am somewhat saddened by the state of affairs. I wonder why society feels so little responsibility toward fish ownership?? I mean, you can walk into a pet store, like PetSmart or Petco, and buy all kinds of fish that get really big (from common plecos to pacus to koi) and the employee will sell you a 10 or 15g tank without batting an eye. Along with $100 in water treatments, and tell you it OK to put the fish in after 48 hours, with no mention of cycling!!

Tank manufacturers are just as bad. I have seen tanks in boxes, where the boxes depict a grossly overstocked tank!!

And yes, it is the consumers responsibility to know what they are buying, but they rely on the store employees for information, assuming they know!

How many fish die or get flushed down the toilet because of people's stupidity?? Millions, I am sure. The are seen as a disposable pet. This just seems so sad to me. How must it feel to be a fish living in terrible cramped up conditions, with toxic water, overfed, with improper tank mates???

Truthfully I never knew there was so much to fishkeeping, and in the past I have been guilty of some of the worst mistakes that you could make. But now I am trying to learn, learn, learn, and the more I learn the more I pass on to others.

All of you with a ton more knolwedge than me, please pass you knowledge on!! For the good of fish everywhere!!
and when they tell you the fish is a nice community fish that will do good with your fish but the fish turn out mean. Ive had loads of them. Or when they tell you that you by a dwarf fish, when there is not even a dwarf of that fish specices, or when the sell you a sick fish that dies as soon as it gets payed for then they say, ah its your falt, when its in the bag and they saw it die!
I think there are very few of us who did not make awful beginner's mistakes when they started, i certainly know i'm guilty, and i was led astray by the employees of the chain store i purchased my first tank and fish from. It would be really nice if the pet stores could educate their employees about the fish they stock but sadly they have about as much compassion for them as they do for the bags of cat litter. Consumers should research their fish beforehand, but not everyone is an internet junkie, and not everyone enjoys reading or has easy access to bookstores or libraries. Even if you do research, the conflicting information is enough to drive you batty and it's sometimes hard to know who to beleive. Just keep learning and try to do right by your fish. If you have the time and personality for it, try writing the CEO of the store and asking if they could perhaps offer a small booklet to their fish customers explaining the basics, requesting that they don't carry dyed fish and properly train their employees, etc.
Most people have no idea how much there is to fishkeeping. I know I didnt when I started out. I think the problem is greedy rich chain stores. Sometimes a few people there are into fish, but mostly the employees are just there for the paycheck. Thats the difference between a pet store and a pet breeder. Breeders tend to be small businesses who depend on repeat business. They tend also know about the breeds they carry and talk people out of buying fish they cant care for properly. Or refuse to sell to them. This is why you should not buy dogs from chain pet stores either. Going to a breeder is the best way to find any pet.
I know my local dealer cos my cousin used to work there. He's reall honest an knows wa hes on about. but superpets round the corner, last time i went there were loads of skeletons and algae everywhere, they sold my cousin a royal panaque for about 3.50 cos they didnt know wat it was! :lol:
Even if you do research, the conflicting information is enough to drive you batty and it's sometimes hard to know who to beleive.

I can't agree with you more.

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