Firstly, let me just say that I have had very little experience with fishkeeping, and this website and you folks have been a tremendous resource!! Thanks so much!
I have been reflecting on my experiences with fish in the past, and my recent experiences as well. I am somewhat saddened by the state of affairs. I wonder why society feels so little responsibility toward fish ownership?? I mean, you can walk into a pet store, like PetSmart or Petco, and buy all kinds of fish that get really big (from common plecos to pacus to koi) and the employee will sell you a 10 or 15g tank without batting an eye. Along with $100 in water treatments, and tell you it OK to put the fish in after 48 hours, with no mention of cycling!!
Tank manufacturers are just as bad. I have seen tanks in boxes, where the boxes depict a grossly overstocked tank!!
And yes, it is the consumers responsibility to know what they are buying, but they rely on the store employees for information, assuming they know!
How many fish die or get flushed down the toilet because of people's stupidity?? Millions, I am sure. The are seen as a disposable pet. This just seems so sad to me. How must it feel to be a fish living in terrible cramped up conditions, with toxic water, overfed, with improper tank mates???
Truthfully I never knew there was so much to fishkeeping, and in the past I have been guilty of some of the worst mistakes that you could make. But now I am trying to learn, learn, learn, and the more I learn the more I pass on to others.
All of you with a ton more knolwedge than me, please pass you knowledge on!! For the good of fish everywhere!!
I have been reflecting on my experiences with fish in the past, and my recent experiences as well. I am somewhat saddened by the state of affairs. I wonder why society feels so little responsibility toward fish ownership?? I mean, you can walk into a pet store, like PetSmart or Petco, and buy all kinds of fish that get really big (from common plecos to pacus to koi) and the employee will sell you a 10 or 15g tank without batting an eye. Along with $100 in water treatments, and tell you it OK to put the fish in after 48 hours, with no mention of cycling!!
Tank manufacturers are just as bad. I have seen tanks in boxes, where the boxes depict a grossly overstocked tank!!
And yes, it is the consumers responsibility to know what they are buying, but they rely on the store employees for information, assuming they know!
How many fish die or get flushed down the toilet because of people's stupidity?? Millions, I am sure. The are seen as a disposable pet. This just seems so sad to me. How must it feel to be a fish living in terrible cramped up conditions, with toxic water, overfed, with improper tank mates???
Truthfully I never knew there was so much to fishkeeping, and in the past I have been guilty of some of the worst mistakes that you could make. But now I am trying to learn, learn, learn, and the more I learn the more I pass on to others.
All of you with a ton more knolwedge than me, please pass you knowledge on!! For the good of fish everywhere!!