Murky water help please


New Member
Mar 23, 2025
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Hi I’m new here , my son has a tank with various fish including plec, tetras etc….. anyway the water is ALWAYS murky and I’ve tried what I believe is everything , 25% water change , more powerful pump , less powerful pump , plants , chemicals to clear water and nothing has worked. All the chemical levels re nitrates PH ammonia are fine … I’m completely out of ideas so any help will be appreciated
How new is the tank and what is the substrate? If it wasn't completely rinsed it will leach out whatever is in it until all is gone. And if its a fertiliser substrate that could be a while.
FWIW I do a 75% change in all of my tanks every week and recommend at least a 50% weekly change.
This pic was from one of my tanks tonight immediately before I changed the water - substrate is plain river sand so there is nothing to leach out, but when it went in I still rinsed it to get rid of the dust.
Hi I’m new here , my son has a tank with various fish including plec, tetras etc….. anyway the water is ALWAYS murky and I’ve tried what I believe is everything , 25% water change , more powerful pump , less powerful pump , plants , chemicals to clear water and nothing has worked. All the chemical levels re nitrates PH ammonia are fine … I’m completely out of ideas so any help will be appreciated View attachment 363905


Forgot to say - the amount of snails suggests that he could reduce feeding significantly.
The substrate looks like aqua soil to me. A pain when it disintegrates
I agree with overfeeding. Change a lot of water often, for a couple months.

Also the substrate layer is pretty thick. It could feed ammonia rising too.

But it's related to new tank syndrome.
Welcome to FF!

How long has the tank been up & running? Does he vacuum the substrate? It's not usually done w/aqua soils I think, but sand & gravel can hold a lot of "stuff". Even a 1/2 inch into the surface can help. It's a technique thing, not hard but needs a bit of practice. Have him work on a quick short plunge & lift to allow the substrate to fall down again.

I agree it may be overfeeding, it's easy to do for new hobbyists (& sometimes old husbands, lol). Try 2 water changes/week & work on larger 1s. Fish don't need to each all that much, once/day is enough & "extra" is just extra clean up whether poo or uneaten food. Some fine filter media (like tank floss) can help but will clog fast & means extra filter cleaning; a PITA, but hopefully only for a short while.

It also could be algae, although it doesn't look like it in your pic. How long are the lights on? 6-8 hours are enough for plants. He can use a timer to split the time lights are on. Say, an hour in the am, 3 hours after school, a break for dinner & homework then another 2 hours or whatever. With a timer it's easy to adjust.

How old is your son? You may have help him get into the maintenance rhythm w/nagging or help as needed ;)

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