Multis Still Not Breeding


New Member
Aug 16, 2004
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I posted several months ago saying that my multis wont breeding even though I have had them for 6 months.

I tried increasing the temp, and descreasing the water changes, etc.

Anyway I finally got a friend over to take some photos. They were tricky to photograph in focus but I got 4 of 5. At least one of them has a slightly different snout which I assume means it is a different sex.




Funny how there are now 2 threads about how everyones multis are breading :( except mine!
Not farmiliar with this species, but if you look closely at the second photo you can see the ovipositor slightly extended. In my expirience this means she is getting ready to or has laid. They probably wont get it right first few times, my Borleyi spawned 4 times before successfully spitting fry. Maybe they are spawning early in the morning, and because they are inexpirienced the eggs get eaten etc. so by the time you see them its all over. Give them time.


If they are all the same size, they are all the same sex, which is the most obvious thing to me.
what sizes are they?
my multies bred within 2 weeks of being in a new tank, the fry are tiny, so maybe you are missing them?
The males are larger than the females. Thats pretty much the first difference to distinguish the sexes.
Of ours, he is also slightly lighter - esp when thew are about to spawn, the females go darker. One of ours has stayed dark (to the point where she is chocolate brown in some lights)
I'm sure they wil spawn when they are good and ready. Is there a reason why you are so desperate for them to do so?
just stop screwing with the water!!!!!
stick to a weekly water change and leave the temp alone or
your going to cause more harm then good!

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