Multipunctatious Breeding!

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
Caught them at it this morning. Looked rather violent as they earned their name of the Cuckoo Catfish. Total mayhem in amongst the Malawis. I haven't a clue if they were successful or not as yet and won't know for a while, until the female Malawi spits and babes are spotted. it's a big tank with alot of rockwork that the smeggers keep moving (I kid you not) but will keep my eyes open. Since the baby Malawis are left alone by the catfish and Malawi adults I don't see any reason why any baby catfish should have trouble. :good:
wonderful news!!i cant wait till my petricola should try and remove the holding malawi into QT and sell the fry.
It's a lovely idea, but I'm damned if I can ever catch the exact fish I want from that tank, short of dismantling their rockwork, so to smeg with that. :lol:
I wish my Petricolas would get it right! All they ever do is scatter the eggs all over the place, despite having a good spawning site set up. :rolleyes:
how big are your breeding petricola BTW? i have 2 or 3 that are about 2.5 inches and a little less.but then i have some that are like 1.5 still and ive had them for a few months.
At a guess I'd say mine are around the 3inch mark. Except the very youngest. She isn't even an inch yet! :wub: So the breeders are prob anything from 2.5ins up. Not that they get much bigger. :lol: Good job with 7 of tyhem in there. I'd need a second 100g. :X
i have 7 also.i had my first 2 early into 2006 and had em for almost a month and a half when i ch killed what was supposed to be my female and my male from then(noy sure male or not) is still alive.
Awww how awful to lose one. :( Touch wood, I haven't lost any of mine. Not sure how long I've had my oldest Petricolas. Nor my first Multi, but I do remember where I found her! She was in a tank with two others, one rather skinny and the other unremarkable. She just stood out. :wub:
i got into them looking around aquabid and i saw these guys and did some research and when i realised they only got to 4 inches max and could live with cichlids, i had to have some.
My Petricola don't live with my cichlids. They live with my lady bettas. It's just the multi's in with the Malawis, alongside the larger eupetrus group and the clarius, which is now huge, and a few other syno species I can't think of the names for right now. :shout:
They do have a large tank to live in too, but it isn't quite as large as the 100 is. Not sure I'd risk such a tank upstairs. :unsure:

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