Multiple Symptoms


Fish Fanatic
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
Just starting to notice a few symptoms in my fish...

rarely they are "flicking", maybe one fish every 20-30 mins, POSSIBLE visible white spots but I only saw one spot on 10 fish and its now gone....
There are the very early signs of finrot..
The gills are a little red.

Other than that.. appetite is fine, activity is fine.. they are pooing well and seem to be "happy" on the whole...

Tank is 64ltr with fluval 104 external filter.
Only 2 weeks with fish in it after its cycle, stocked with 3 spotted corys and 7 tiger barbs.

IF it is both whitespot/velvet AND finrot at the same time..
Can i treat both at once with the treatements or is there one treatment I can buy for both?
Can you post your water stats please in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Added to many fish to soon.

Red gills can be a sign of bad water quality.
Finrot can be caused by bad water quality.
Any tiny bubbles on the fish as that can be a sign the fish are going to break out in whitespot.

Whitespot looks like the fish has been sprinkled in salt. Or the spots will be the size of a grain of salt.

Immediate water change and increase aeration.
aeration has been good since the start..

nitrite = 0
amonia = trace (not 0 but nowhere near reaching the first colour on the card of "0.5-1")
ph 7.6

I do have hardness issues I know off..
tap water here is very hard but was reccomended by LFS to start with tap water (conditioned of course) and then do water changes with their inverse osmosis water...
I would do a water change.

Let the board know if the gills stay red or spots appear again.

It sounds like your fish might have whitespot.

Most reactions
