Multiple Corys


Fish Crazy
May 15, 2010
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How important is it to have multiple corys? I have 1 right now, but he seems happy. No other fish mess with him. Will the lack of similar tank mates eventually stress him out? Also, when adding to the group, should they be the same species or will any Cory suffice?
you really need 4 corys. the single cory will be stressed, he may look happy but in reality, he's not. corys seek comfort in shoals, they feel safe and are much happier. i would recommend getting atleast 2 more of he same if its a peppered cory, get 2 more. then add some bronze or albino or even julli, they will be very happy together as corys do co-exist together. if you dont want lots of corys, just get the same species. i would say 6 corys is ideal.
Another question; he's normally very active, but today he's just been lying around the bottom staying very still. Is this normal? He seems fine once I prod him with the net, but he just goes somewhere else and lies around. Is he okay?
He's probably OK but look for any other strange activity. And yes make sure you get about 3 or 4 more. Corys shoal so they need to be kept in groups. It would be better if you got the same type too.
Hi gearhead65 :)

This is the way corys live in their natural habitat. You can see that they need to have companions of their own kind.

BTW, stop poking him with the net. You will only stress him more.
I love those pictures Inchy. Mine act much like that in any group of 6 or more. For the pygmy varieties I tend to go with at least 10 of a kind.
I agree with the others,4 or more of one species is better than single different species.
How cool are those corys in the wild! If only I had a tank big enough for that many lol
How cool are those corys in the wild! If only I had a tank big enough for that many lol

I agree, it sure would be. If I ever win the lottery, I'll have a HUGE aquarium. Kinda like the ones you see in zoos where you have to get in them to clean them.

Tomorrow I will be picking up 3 more cats. They are half off at Petsmart. :)

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