multiple bettas


New Member
Mar 21, 2004
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Toronto, ON Canada
HEy All. Often at pet stores I have seen tanks with more than one male betta inhabiting as well as I've seen tanks with several female bettas. Also I have seen tanks mixed with 3-5 male and female bettas together. I have always had them in seperate bowls or one in a tank, I was wondering how safe it is to put them together. Are they going to rip eachother to shreads? What do you Recommend? Is it okay to have mulitple bettas in a community tank or will they tag team other fish.
HEy All. Often at pet stores I have seen tanks with more than one male betta inhabiting as well as I've seen tanks with several female bettas. Also I have seen tanks mixed with 3-5 male and female bettas together. I have always had them in seperate bowls or one in a tank, I was wondering how safe it is to put them together. Are they going to rip eachother to shreads? What do you Recommend? Is it okay to have mulitple bettas in a community tank or will they tag team other fish.

More than one female betta in a tank is often okay,females can get along well with each other. More than one male in a tank is asking for trouble. They will tear each other apart trying to kill the other one. Males and females mixed in a tank isn't recommended either,the males will be aggressive towards the females and most likely peck them to death. The only multiple bettas in a tank should be females,and even then they have to be closely watched for agression because they have the tendency to turn on one another.
Male+Male= :rip:

Female+Female+Female+Female= :D
Females can b a little agressive so 4 or 1 is probably good. Any # over 4 is good 2 but i don't think you'd do that :D
i have 2 sick females together and sometimes they fight like crazy and sometimes not... depends on the bettas i guess

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