Multicolored Starfish


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
Anyone know what kind this would be? That's how they have them labeled at the lfs. They are all a different base color, some cream, some black, with little raised bumps that are a different color that the base color is, and they are what I would call short, stumpy starfish as opposed to the long, skinny ones like bristle stars.
Anyone have an idea what these actually are? I've googled it but come up with nothing.
The lfs said they are peaceful and stay rather small (about 4" from tip to tip right now), and eat whatever.
Thanks for any help!
Here's a pic... not so good I know. Sorry about that - sorry cameraman + not too good camera = sorry shot.
Hope this will help ID it, though.
definately a protoreaster sp. probably nodosus (choc chip) as mentioned, not great in home aquariums
Oh my lord!!! That won't fit for long!!! It says it will eat other inverts... I'm assuming that mean things like other starfish and urchins, or will it eat hermits and shrimp, too? Also it says it will eat tubeworms. Are those the same as feather dusters? So far it hasn't bothered anything else so I may keep it a while. I've been feeding it every 3-4 days by pushing an algae wafer under one of it's arms. It takes it most the day but it will eventually finish it off. Do you think that is ok?
Thanks for the help ID-ing this thing. I knew "multicolored starfish" wasn't quite right! LOL
weve had one in our home tank for almost a year with no problems, and no special feeding regiment either, if its the only star in a largeish aquarium it should be ok for food
In my experience, they don't eat fast moving animals, especially if well fed. Mine ate a brittle star and at least one urchin.

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