Mudskipper Query


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2005
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Essex, UK
I was up the fish store earlier and noticed some mudskippers in the tropical section. Interested to find out more about these "fish" with a view to keeping. Have the following questions:

- I have read on here that they are brackish/marine. Are there fresh water varieties?
- Is a 2 ft tank sufficient?
- As they need such small amounts of water, will the smallest cannister filter be sufficient?
- Does a new tank (more mudskippers) need to be sysled like with noral fish tanks?
- Can a couple be kept in a 2ft tank?
- Can they eat frozen blood worm?
- Can crabs be kept in the tank to take care of food debris?

Sorry for the many many Qs. Any insight appreciated. Thanks.
- I have read on here that they are brackish/marine. Are there fresh water varieties?
- Is a 2 ft tank sufficient?
Only for the very smallest species, i.e., the "Indian Dwarf Mudskipper". Mudskippers are very territorial, and the males of some species can -- and will -- kill fish that cannot leave their territories.
- As they need such small amounts of water, will the smallest cannister filter be sufficient?
As with any fish, you need at least 4 times the volume of the water in turnover per hour. Ideally go for 6 times. So if you have 10 gallons of water in the tank, then a 40-60 gallons per hour filter is adequate.
- Does a new tank (more mudskippers) need to be sysled like with noral fish tanks?
Yes; mudskippers are ammonia-tolerant up to a point, because of their specific ecology. But continual exposure to ammonia will cause problems, such as finrot. So don't take advantage on their adaptability.
- Can a couple be kept in a 2ft tank?
Don't keep 2. Keep one, or keep at least 4. As with any territorial fish, twos and threes tend to be unstable and one fish eventually becomes hyperdominant.
- Can they eat frozen blood worm?
Yes, but a more varied diet is essential.
- Can crabs be kept in the tank to take care of food debris?
Some folks try, but generally it isn't recommended.

Do reach Richard Mleczko's chapter on these fish in my book. It covers all the details, and he knows more about these fish as aquarium pets than anyone else on Earth!

Cheers, Neale
Very useful info - thanks. What salt neds to be used? Thanks.

marine mix. Dont bother with table salt, get something which is used for mixing salt water for aquariums. Instant Ocean is what I use in my brackish tank.

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