

Jul 7, 2008
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i have loads just let me know how many you want. Just looking for couple of quid to cover postage/ envelopes.

can some-one please advise me of the best way to post these guys so they arrive ok.

Babies can be posted in moist kitchen towel/tissue paper and inside a cd case , also in small tub with moist kitchen towel with air holes, do you have any adult ones or biggys ?
:eek: i have these things im over run!!

i would like to kill them all

why do people want them anyway

i hate them!!
if you are over run with snails, it may be because you are over feeding your fish.
if you are over run with snails, it may be because you are over feeding your fish.
I Dont tihnk i do


They came with some plants i brought around 12 weeks ago :crazy: brought soem loache's witch ogt aggreseive

Did a good job killing off there numbers
i have all sizes available, some as big as an inch, ish
Like snails,they do a good job of cleaning tank. I'll take as many MTS as you wish to dispose of >12 is OK, big ones preferred. What is your email address so I can send £2 for postage by Paypal.
i think im overrun with something that looks like MTS when i search on google for them, not sure, but came free with some plants along with tadpole snails and ramshorns :rolleyes:
anyways, when i see them i just take them out and have this special cup of water for them to live the rest of their watery lives in ;) cant bear to squash them :blush: poor lil' things ;)

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