Mrs. Pictures from tonight…

Tonight I moved the Tiger Silver Dollar ( Metynnis fasciatus )
into the Cichlid tank( a more friendly environment than it’s previous tank, note the bite on the lower part of it’s tail ) it’s also way easier to take pictures in this tank… I think it’s a little faded as it’s being submissive

There is a bug on the glass, no Halloween tattoo on the fish
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It's a daddy longlegs spider :)
I got a unit full of them and used to get them in the tanks sometimes. They drop in and the fish drag them under and swim around with them for a few hours before leaving them to rot.
It's a daddy longlegs spider :)
I got a unit full of them and used to get them in the tanks sometimes. They drop in and the fish drag them under and swim around with them for a few hours before leaving them to rot.
Those legs are hard to digest

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