Mr. Wimpy Fish's.... Wimpyness.


Fish Addict
Sep 17, 2009
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Ontario, Canada (If you want to know my city you'r
Okay, so, whenever I try to get Mr. Wimpy Fish to flare at his reflection by showing him a mirror, HE JUST WON'T FLARE. D:

No, seriously. I like show him the mirror and he backs away or whatever, and swims the other way. XD OR, he just stares at his reflection and freezes for a while and does nothing until he is insanely bored or I take the mirror away. ^^;

It drives me *nuts*. Like, I cleaned the tank today after putting it off for like 2 weeks after I was *supposed* to clean it, and I saw him displaying (but not flaring) at the platies in the 10-gallon tank shortly after I put him into his now clean tank, and AUGH he was beautiful!! :(

But he seems pretty happy now, swimming around in his 2.5-gallon in front of his rock. :3 Somehow, the tank always seems bigger when it's nice and sparkly and just-cleaned and clean.... ^^; :D

//End rant. XD
but it's a good thing they all have different personalities. makes them a lot more interesting

and i'm sure there are other personality traits to him that you adore :)
Yes, of course! :D it's actually his wimpyness that I've found so sweet; he flares (usually at an area behind his tank; beside his tank space, although I'm not so sure what could be so interesting there XD) sometimes, but most of the time he just wimps about, or something like that. ^^; I've never seen a betta that passive before; I wouldn't risk putting him in with any females or anything but still. :D Another insanely awesome thing about him (the reason why I called him what I did, instead of Pineapple, what I was originally planning to call him) is that whenever he flares, his gills are clear, so he has, like, almost nothing to show for it except for the spot of red in the middle and the red lining the bttom of his gill covers. :lol: ^^;

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