Mr. Nice Guy

Butterfly Betta

Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada

My name is Pat. I have bred Guppies, Platies, and other common livebearers. It was getting pretty boring.

So I decided to go for a challenge. And found it in Bettas.

Anyways, I know that everyone says never keep male Bettas with females. Cause one or the other is going to get hurt or even killed.

I have one male Betta, relatively young I think because he isn't as large the other male I have floating in a plastic livebearer breeding trap. [I've got two cause I read it simulates the males to breeding]

Well, I have three female Bettas as well [the red one {Ruby} is also in another floating breeding trap cause she was a real b***h].

One of the males I have, is a Butterfly patterned pet-store Betta, he is a bright red coloration with thin white tips. This male, Shy-Guy, is kept in a ten gallon tank with two females. [A purple female {Tulip} is nearly his size, and a teal female {Sunset} is about half is his size].

Originally there were some confrontations, there were some of the females' tail fins nipped but they quickly healed. In fact, they were better, in a day, and I know this because the two females spread their tail fins whenever they go by each other so any rips would be easily noticed.

Now, after about two weeks, Shy-Guy is building a buildnest in the rear corner of the tank [the other male Bossy, is building one in his breeding trap].

Every now and then, Shy-Guy will chase the girls whenever they get near his bubble nest, but other than that there hasn't been any real damage done to anyone.

Did I luck out and get a really nice guy or is he just waiting until the actual spawning to get nasty.
You may have gotten lucky and it sounds like you did. As you found out fish do have different personalities. I would watch him and make sure he doesn't suddenly change into a monster but he sounds alright to me.

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