Butterfly Betta
Fish Fanatic
My name is Pat. I have bred Guppies, Platies, and other common livebearers. It was getting pretty boring.
So I decided to go for a challenge. And found it in Bettas.
Anyways, I know that everyone says never keep male Bettas with females. Cause one or the other is going to get hurt or even killed.
I have one male Betta, relatively young I think because he isn't as large the other male I have floating in a plastic livebearer breeding trap. [I've got two cause I read it simulates the males to breeding]
Well, I have three female Bettas as well [the red one {Ruby} is also in another floating breeding trap cause she was a real b***h].
One of the males I have, is a Butterfly patterned pet-store Betta, he is a bright red coloration with thin white tips. This male, Shy-Guy, is kept in a ten gallon tank with two females. [A purple female {Tulip} is nearly his size, and a teal female {Sunset} is about half is his size].
Originally there were some confrontations, there were some of the females' tail fins nipped but they quickly healed. In fact, they were better, in a day, and I know this because the two females spread their tail fins whenever they go by each other so any rips would be easily noticed.
Now, after about two weeks, Shy-Guy is building a buildnest in the rear corner of the tank [the other male Bossy, is building one in his breeding trap].
Every now and then, Shy-Guy will chase the girls whenever they get near his bubble nest, but other than that there hasn't been any real damage done to anyone.
Did I luck out and get a really nice guy or is he just waiting until the actual spawning to get nasty.
My name is Pat. I have bred Guppies, Platies, and other common livebearers. It was getting pretty boring.
So I decided to go for a challenge. And found it in Bettas.
Anyways, I know that everyone says never keep male Bettas with females. Cause one or the other is going to get hurt or even killed.
I have one male Betta, relatively young I think because he isn't as large the other male I have floating in a plastic livebearer breeding trap. [I've got two cause I read it simulates the males to breeding]
Well, I have three female Bettas as well [the red one {Ruby} is also in another floating breeding trap cause she was a real b***h].
One of the males I have, is a Butterfly patterned pet-store Betta, he is a bright red coloration with thin white tips. This male, Shy-Guy, is kept in a ten gallon tank with two females. [A purple female {Tulip} is nearly his size, and a teal female {Sunset} is about half is his size].
Originally there were some confrontations, there were some of the females' tail fins nipped but they quickly healed. In fact, they were better, in a day, and I know this because the two females spread their tail fins whenever they go by each other so any rips would be easily noticed.
Now, after about two weeks, Shy-Guy is building a buildnest in the rear corner of the tank [the other male Bossy, is building one in his breeding trap].
Every now and then, Shy-Guy will chase the girls whenever they get near his bubble nest, but other than that there hasn't been any real damage done to anyone.
Did I luck out and get a really nice guy or is he just waiting until the actual spawning to get nasty.