
spAcE mOnkEy

Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
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Hi, I just got an Electric catfish. In the wild they get around 3ft so i guess in a home tank they would get around 2ft. This guy is awsome, i got him eating some food and hes doing pretty well. Right now hes about 3 inches and i have him in a 15 gallon tank. Ofcourse the 15 gallon tank is temporary, but this tank should hold him through winter. If he does get too big for the tank i have a 30 gal he could go in temporarily. In the spring I'm going to make a tank that has the dimentions of about 4ft by 4ft by 1ft high. Id like to make the height higher, im not sure if I'd be able to though. This is not the dwarf electric catfish.

Well i just wanted to know: Anyone else have an electric eel, besides CFC?
What types of foods do you think i should feed him when hes this small? So far hes eaten some hikari sinking pellets and a bunch of convict fry. I was thinking about chopping up some shrimp or fish for him. Would flounder be ok?

Once he gets over a foot i plan on feeding him a steady diet of bettas. :p
I'm too poor to be able to afford a digital camera. Seriously I dont have one. I'll have to wait for a friend to bring one for me.
Anyone else have an electric eel, besides CFC?

Yeah there's hundereds of electric eel owners on the forum, they keep them with their bettas :p

Ste2k had an electric catfish but i dont know if he still has it.

I'd make that tank at least 18" deep if i were you, a foot isnt really enough depth for a fish that could reach 2 or 3 feet.

If youve got in on the Hikari pellets then half the battle is won, if i feed mine pellets he looks at me like ive just told him he has to eat cabbage. A diet of the Hikari and meaty fishy frozen foods like shrimp and cut white fish will do it well (piecies of flounder are fine).
i have two small electric cats as well, mine are about 3.4-4 inches, and ive also had one that was about 8 inches...they are great fish! i think the fact that they don't have dorsal fins makes them quite unique...well, what i can tell you about feeding them, is that they aren't going to accept those pellets for long (in my experience with them anyways)...out of the three i have had (2 i still have) they all took the pellets for the first few months, then you start mixing up the foods and giving them something they like better and they will turn their noses up to those pellets...what i feed mine right now is a large variety of foods that consist of chicken (boiled boneless, skinless breast meat), fresh shrimp, bloodworms, brine shrimp, squid, feeder fish, nightcrawlers, blackworms, beefheart (not the frozen cubes), and crab...they accept them all, but favor the blackworms, bloodworms, and chicken...they grow very slow, so you shouldn't have to worry about yours outgrowing that 15gal anytime soon...they are full of personality, and can eventually be hand-fed, or could turn out like my first e-cat and end up rubbing all over your hands when you're in the tank...they love to mess with the gravel, especially the small or fine kind that they can pick up in their mouths and toss around...they are just great fish!! i hope you enjoy your new electric cat, space monkey, and watch out for the shock! :)


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