Mr Barb Comitted Suicide :( I Think....

electric yellow

Fish Addict
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Victoria, Australia
I either had a fish suicide or my cat got on top of my tank today while i was at work... :(

My 3yr old tiger barb was found on the house floor being bat around by my cat. He was dead thank god but i didnt think tiger barbs jumped....ive had him for years :(.......

sorry about your poor barb ...does your tank have a tight lid??? cats will go fishing, ive seen my sisters cat up to its belly in a pond trying to get her goldfish that were thankfully well out of reach.
TB's are not "famous" for their jumping, if it is possible, I would suspect it was fished out. I suggest putting the cat in a bath full of water and batting it about for a few hours.

You might want to review your tanks hood arrangements at some point to prevent another episode. Tough break, bad luck.
Hmmm!!! It seems your cat was extremely mesmerized by the fish to the point that he had to have it. You must help him maintain his control by covering the tank better or locking him up, dude.

Like the story of Sylvaster and tweety bird.
if you dont have a tank lid, it may be possible it jumped out because my black ruby barbs jumped out cause the water was too cold. Most likely your cat got a hold of it :(.

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