

Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2004
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We now have plans of moving within the next couple of months... most likely in summer. I just need some help as to what i'm going to need to do so I can get ready for this... thank you for your time and help -_- :unsure:
you will need to get some 5 gallon buckets. the ones used for home brewing are great. when it comes to the move, get some fish bags from the lfs and fill them half full or more with air. there should be enough water for the fish to be submerged but only about twich the fishes body depth, the fish won't want to swim around in transit so don't worry about that. just make sure there is pleanty of air in the bag and if possable, try and get the bag tied tight so there is a bit of pressure. then once all the fish are bagged, put them in a poly box, also obtainable from the lfs. seal it up with sticky tape and you may or may not need to pack it with newspaper depending ojn how full it is. to get the fish out of the tank, you will need to drain most of the water first. syphon most of the water (about 90%) into the buckets before you move any decor in the ank as if you disturbe any detritus, the water will be no good. then, once you have about 5cm of water in the bottom of the tank, you can remove al the decor and catch the fish and pack them. once you get to your new location, get the tank in position and fill it with the old water and mix new water to top up. if the gravel is dirty, remove it before you fill the tank up and give it a wash first. then you can float your fish in the bags but only for about 10 mins to equalise the temp as they will be stressed after the journey and it will be best just to get them into the new tank and let them calm down.

as for moving the filter, just make sure that the bio-media wether it be sponge, ceramic, rock etc just keep it in a bag with water and make sure again that there is air in the bag and you may want to give the bag a quick shake every 15-20 mins etc just to provide the bacteria with some oxygen rich water.

hope everything goes well

ste :)
1 gal milk jugs work good too.

mineral water juggs are nice if you can get them, if the cap wont go back on you can use plastic and rubberbands..

Those Tropicana cartons but you really have to rinse all the pulp out.

Some rubbermaids are ok and you can use them again latter for other stuff...

GL w the move
Yeah I just found out that the move might be earlier than planned. :crazy: I'm so glad I decided to post this up here. Moving fish sounds like alot of work but what in fish keeping isn't?? Ok so this means i'm going to hae to get some buckets. You said that milk jugs work too.... would be ok if I use like wide necked water bottles? :thumbs: If i'm planning on getting a new tank as well would it make sense to set up the new one at the new location and put the fish there until i can get their tanks over? Whats the chance that I might lose my fish in this move? :/ I'm sorry i'm rambling but i'm really worried and I want it all to be perfect because I have fallen in love with my fish and I don't want to lose them. Thank you for you time :X
it would be a lot better to set up a new tank and then move your fish. there is a chance that you could loose a fish but if you move quickly and keep the fish dark, then you should be ok.

ste :)
i just moved 2 months ago.... had about 30 fish to move... not that much fun... i got some sort of old candy plastic container with screw on lid... put them in that and cut some holes in the top... only 1 died and it was a pregnant guppy because the ppl didnt move out in time... heres the story... 8pm friday night... we got possession of house... they hadnt moved out yet.. they had all their stuff still in house... TOTAL MORONS... so my fish had to live in that overnight.. and didnt get moved into a tank for about another week.... we got in the house the next day at about 1... we were about an hour late moving out of our own house which wasnt a huge deal... ppl moving into our house drove by and swore at us once lol.. but o well... i hope moving goes a lot smoother with you... good luck :D
Yikes see that makes me scared but the difference is that I can do the tank last if need be because my mom sister and I are moving out of my mothers husbands house (they're splitting) so he's still gonna be here. :unsure:
o.. u can set ur tank up and bring the fishies the next day ? thats what i tried to do but the morons didnt move out in time lol.. hope u have better luck than we did

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