

New Member
Dec 30, 2004
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I am moving to a city that is about three hours away from my current location. Is there any way for me to move my fish (safely) also, or should I not take the chance? I have zebra danios, a tiger barb, a pleco, and a betta.
I am moving to a city that is about three hours away from my current location. Is there any way for me to move my fish (safely) also, or should I not take the chance? I have zebra danios, a tiger barb, a pleco, and a betta.

Sure that's possible.

1) catch the fish and put them in sealed buckets or bags. make sure there is 2/3 air and 1/3 water in the buckets or bags.
2) empty the tank, but try to save as much water as possible and take it with you. if you don't empty the tank, it might be break during transport. so best be safe and empty it completely. keep the gravel or sand though.
3) keep your filter wet and turn it back on as soon as possible (even if it's in a bucket or something). that will prevent the bacteria from dying.
4) when on the new location, put the fish in a large bucket or seperate containers and add some ariation. they can stay in such temporary containers for a day or so.
5) since the fish and filter are OK now, you'll have plenty of time to redecorate your tank.

Good luck!

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