moving up to a 20 gallon tank


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
ok, either today, or sometime this week, we are moving up from a 5 gallon to a 20 gallon tank, for my serpae tetra. i am also gonna get him some more fishy friends. i know putting fish in new tanks stress them out, but will it make him happier, along with new fish? and hey! i just got an idea, for my ghost shrimp, i can keep my ghost shrimp in my 5 gallon tank and gradually add them. so answer my question, will it make my fish happier? i think he deserves to be happier, after his best freind, Ansem (just a plain old Mickey Mouse Platty) died.
Well once you cycle the 20 gallon and your water conditions are at an excellent condition. You can slowly add your serpae tetra, and of course add some more fish, and he will be very much more happy.

But of course never fill the tank and then put fish in right after you're done doing so. Because your water hasn't formed natural bacteria that are benefiticial to your fish. See some pinned topics on cycling a tank.
oh, don't worry, i know what to do, trust me, i can handle the bacteria easily.
can i just add another tetra? cause i just bought a albino buineous aires tetra today (belive it or not that's not it's scientific name, i do NOT want to know that). i also got a rainbow shark (don't worry, it's a cross breed and it was very timid :) ) and a new fancy guppy (male, i love those guys). and after i get the new tank (it was the lfs, didn't have the 20 gallon tank) i will gradualy add more fish, maybe, even some more serpae tetras! :) :fish:
a cross breed? a cross breed of what? as far as i was aware, red-tail and rainbow sharks could only be tank bred via extreme horomone stimulation. doesn't sound like species that could be readily hybridized...

but beyond that, two tetras (esp. of different species & body shapes) is still too few to be happy. you'll need to add AT LEAST two more of each species to make things happy.

btw, serpae and buenos aires tetras are both rather aggressive and nippy fish. the shark will probably get a bit feisty too. all of these fish grow much larger than a guppy. you should do your guppy a favor and take it back. a male fancy guppy just isn't strong enough to defend himself against such larger fish.
no, no, no, when i go to the fish store, i pick out the kindest fish possible, and i think a guppy, rainbow shark, and a whatever tetra in a bag for an hour (i put the bag in the tank to let them adjust to the temp) would be perfectly fine, plus, they all look oh so very happy together, i mean it, they littlerally nuzzle each other. and yes i know about the guppy! i have raised/ breed guppies before. i think i can handle that part. plus, my serpae tetra is not nippy what so ever. he was best freinds with a mickey mouse platty, untill she died earlier this month. :( :bye: i miss that platty. heck, if i have to, i'll even post the link to the video clip of them i made eariler.
i own buenos aires and guppies. don't expect yours to have his pretty tail last very long. buenos are great big bullies, especially at feeding time.

i have to say, i doubt that you can judge the temperament of your fish while they're still in the bag. especially since its considered inappropriate to consider any group of fish "compatible" until they've co-existed for 6 MONTHS or more with no problems.

you still need more serpae and buenos aires tetras.
I really wouldn't add any more fish until you have the 20g bought and set up, your 5g must be so overcrowded at the moment. Why not get the 20g and move the other fish out and maybe buy 2 more female guppies and leave the male and 2 females in the 5g?.
actually, now that i see, it may be a 29 gallon tank, me and my friend were looking at fish tanks at petsmart and a 20 gallon tank didn't come on a stand ( and that is what i want). and fyi, i have about 3 five gallon tanks.

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