Moving to a bigger tank

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Jul 12, 2005
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I currently have a 10g with 3 zebra danios, 2 neons and a small pleco. I know the danios need a bigger tank and a bigger school. (Please forgive me for listening to the kids working at petsmart) I just got a used 50 gal tank from a friend. My two questions are:

What whould I use to clean the tank, filters, etc.

I would like bigger schools of both the Danios and neons. What other fish would be compatable with the fish I have?

I would really appreciate any advice you can give me
Other fish: so you don't mean what other fish to school with,but what other fish can be kept in the tank? If so, the suggestions give are good.

If you want other fish that will school with them, leopard danios, long-finned danios. Cardinals should also work.

No bettas, preferrably no gouramis.
Most gouramies would be fine.

Keep in mind that if you get sharks (don't get silver/bala BTW - too big), most should be kept singly.

Also, clown loaches would eventualy need a larger tank so you are better off going for a smaller loach.

Besides that, neons and zebra danios are compatible with pretty much anything that won't eat them or that they won't nip.

Most common livebearers, small to medium-sized loaches and catfish, peaceful, (small so they won't munch on them) dwarf cichlids, other danios, other tetras, rasboras, barbs, sharks, gouramies, rainbowfish, even certain killifish and various oddballs would all work. Just take a look at what sort of fish you like when you next go to your LFS, take a note of their scientific names, google them, narrow it down to a few and then ask the forum for more info or reccomendations. Just don't buy on impulse :p
(Please forgive me for listening to the kids working at petsmart)

I think it's fair to say that most people here have made similar mistakes in the past. Good thing is you're trying to sort it out!

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