My strange little Aiptasiidae nem has produced some offspring this week, but the problem is that every time this particular nem buds, the offspring get gobbled up a certain starfish in the tank. The budding isn't like what my Aiptasia do from the foot tissue...the offspring in this case are fully formed little nems that leave a conical hole of sorts in the parent's stalk when they leave. I don't want to take the starfish out though, because it sometimes snacks on small pest nems. The adult nem has no problems with the starfish and has a powerful sting, but the newly-budded offspring seem to have no defenses against this starfish even with fully-formed tentacles. I'd like to try to save at least one offspring and raise it in an isolated environment where I can observe the growth cycle again (still trying to identify the species with no luck), but I don't know how to do this without injurying them. Can new nems (as in a coupld days off the parent) regenerate if injured during moving?