Moving pictus catfish...

Dawney G

Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
I moved my pictus into a larger tank a few months ago, and had a bit of a problem with the fin getting caught on the net. I ended up cutting it out and worrying the life out of me that i had startled my fish.
What is the best way to transfer them without a net??
Please help as i am moving him into an even bigger tank within the next week!!
dawney g
Usually I'll net the fish but immediately transfer it to a large bowl filled with tank water. Then I take the bowl over the other tank, and I'll usually add a few cups of that tank's water, wait five minutes, and then net the fish again and add it to the tank. Even though that means you'll have to catch it twice, it won't have as much time to squirm and get tangled in the net.
If you absolutely didn't want to use a net at all I've also seen in aquarium catalogs a sort of pitcher that people use to transfer fish, maybe if you put it in the tank, you could use the net or something to herd the fish in there, then remove the container.
I think the first method I mentioned works best, if your fish get tangled in the net it may mean that the net you’re using is too small. Make sure that there is ample room to hold the fish so it doesn't get scrunched, you can always tie off the net if it's just too big. :thumbs:
FrankSlapperinni said:
Usually I'll net the fish but immediately transfer it to a large bowl filled with tank water. Then I take the bowl over the other tank, and I'll usually add a few cups of that tank's water, wait five minutes, and then net the fish again and add it to the tank. Even though that means you'll have to catch it twice, it won't have as much time to squirm and get tangled in the net.
If you absolutely didn't want to use a net at all I've also seen in aquarium catalogs a sort of pitcher that people use to transfer fish, maybe if you put it in the tank, you could use the net or something to herd the fish in there, then remove the container.
I think the first method I mentioned works best, if your fish get tangled in the net it may mean that the net you’re using is too small. Make sure that there is ample room to hold the fish so it doesn't get scrunched, you can always tie off the net if it's just too big. :thumbs:

Perhaps a 50 pence plastic jug would do the job just as good as a £5+ "transparent, fish catching receptical" from your LFS!! ;) :lol:

No really, stick a jug or a large glass leaning on its side at the bottom of the tank, where there are few escape routes. Usher the Pictus in with your net and then take the jug/glass out :flex: .

May take a few minutes to get him in but it's a hell of a lot quicker than chasing it round trying to catch it in a net and then having to cut the bugger out!! (Yep. been there too! :/ )

thebaldranger said:
Perhaps a 50 pence plastic jug would do the job just as good as a £5+ "transparent, fish catching receptical" from your LFS!! ;) :lol:

No really, stick a jug or a large glass leaning on its side at the bottom of the tank, where there are few escape routes. Usher the Pictus in with your net and then take the jug/glass out :flex: .

May take a few minutes to get him in but it's a hell of a lot quicker than chasing it round trying to catch it in a net and then having to cut the bugger out!! (Yep. been there too! :/ )


I wholeheartedly concur. A large number of catfish are far better off cought with hands (if large enough) or glass/plastic containers rather than nets. Too many have spines, rays or thorns to damage.
I find that a brine shrimp net works pretty well, actually. It not only works for my pictus cat but for my upside-down catfish as well, and those have some really nasty pectoral and dorsal spines, too.
uh yeah. catching spiky fish with your hands is not smart. use a bucket or something and put some food in teh bottom of it. ive never seen a pictus ignore food so you should be able to catch them
I use a long handled plastic vegetable strainer to catch catfish.
CFC said:
I use a long handled plastic vegetable strainer to catch catfish.

I've used almost the same thing....I used a pasta strainer which i submerged and then sort of scared them in it with a net...Take caution if your using a net to herd them...One of mine immediately darted the opposite direction once he hit plastic and staight into the net. I had bags waiting filled with tank water and i just sort of slid em in. Worked out great and all 5 moved without too much trouble. Good luck with the move!
Thanks alot, thats brilliant. Gonna have a go soon and ill let you know how i got on. might try the plastic strainer idea, or the jug at the bottom and tease itin with food.
thanks guys
dawney g

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