Moving Lr In Up And Running Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Another quick question.....

I am thinking about moving some of our LR around slightly, is this ok to do?? As Im not adding any new LR I assume it wont affect levels too much just to rearrange?
Has anyone done this succesfully? Obvisouly we need to be carefull as there is our clean up crew and two clowns to consider but i think if we are going to move the rock this is the last chance to do it before we have any more tank mates.

what do you guys think, is it ok to re-arrange tank??
Ive re-erranged before and it caused a re-cycle. You could do it, just be careful its not out of the wwater too long. To be on the safe side I would use another holding tank before re-scaping again personally. Its up to you. Can be done, but could cause a re-cycle.
Yeah, it depends on how much re-scaping you're gonna do. If its just shifting a couple rocks around, dont worry about it. If you're completely re-doing your aquascaping, I'd have some proper salinity buckets around to hold pieces while you re-scape. Stirring things up isnt as much of a danger as leaving rocks out of water to dry is :)
Thanks for the tips guys!! I really just want to move some of it back against the tank wall, I'm happy with the placement just want to move the structure back a bit so ill try to move it back without re- arranging too much, easier said than done! As you will see from my other post got loads of growth on LR now so dont want to move it too much and any of it die off.


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