New Member
Hello all, this is my first post here so sorry if I make some mistakes or if this is on the wrong thread. I have 2 30gallon tanks, the first one is overstocked and the second one is a little understocked. The second tank which is a little under stocked has 1 angel fish, 5 guppies, 2 small glass fish, 1 blue ram, 1 Cory, 1 African dwarf frog and 1 gourami. The guppies and angel fish are reasonably small. I was wondering if I would be able to move 4 small gold barbs from my other tank to the second tank, with the guppies and angel fish. I know they nip fins but I have seen people say if you have a lot of them they would mostly nip/play with each other. If I bought around 4-8 more gold barbs could I put them in with the guppies and angel fish without their fins being nipped? I know I have some other fish in the tank but the guppies and angel fish I am worried about as they have fairly long fins that can be nipped. I am sorry if this thread is confusing. Thank you in advance.
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