Moving from a 2.5 gallon tank up to?


New Member
Feb 13, 2004
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I've got a 2.5 gallon tank, with a heater and sponge filter.
Right now it holds a male Betta and 3 Zebra Danios.
Too many fish for that sized tank, I know. :(

Question is, what size tank would you move up to.

Background: I'm not into LARGE tanks, and would prefer to keep it smallish.
5.5 gallon or 10 gallon, max. But, of those two, which would you suggest?

Thanks in advance!
I would recomend the Eclipse 6. It is a 6 Gallon tank which would still be on the small side. And would house those fish just fine! It comes complete with a filter, biowheel, and a light. Adding a heater would be on your end. A 10 gallon would also do just fine, if you don't mind the extra size. Either one though will work - it is simply up to you. Keep in mind that if you go with a 10G you could possibly add a few more fish or a cory cat to cleanup the bottom!

Thanks for the input, Mike!

I've seen the tanks you recommend (for my "small world" tastes). :)

I'll look at that, or maybe a 10 gallon, are the ways I'm currently leaning.

Heater is no problem--have one. :)

Thanks again, Mike.
By the way, my girlfriend uses the 3 Gallon Eclipse and we love it! She has a male betta and a dwarf frog. It is on the small side to add other fish because the betta became VERY agressive. But, you should be ok with the 6G. Good luck with whatever you decide!

The Eclipses are nice, but 10g tanks have three advantages over them, in my opinion:

1) They're inexpensive.
2) They're very "standard". It's very easy to find equipment that fits them. See #1 :)
3) The front and back walls are parallel. Much easier to keep a divider in, from what I've seen/heard, which may be quite handy for bettas (you could keep two males) or fry. If you wanted to, with a divider, you'd have basically 2 five-gallon tanks, with only one set of equipment (filter, lights).
Hi all,

Okay, you've convinced me: I'll pick up a nice, standard, 10 gallon tank. :)

What type of hoods do you guys like?

Full plastic with flouresent light?
Or a glass cover, with a light on the back half (hinged cover) ?

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