moving fish


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
well, i am moving up to a 6 gallon tank to a 20 gallon tank, buy i know fish can get stressed easlily. will it put alot of stress on them to move them? do u think they will like the bigger tank? thanks for helping my fish :fish:
When i upgraded tanks, I tried to keep as much as water as possible, so instead of a 100% water change, it ended up being more like a 25%. To do this, I caught the fish and put them in a bowl. Then i took my gravel vac and started it running WITHOUT cleaning the gravel, just using the vac as a siphon. I then refilled my tank with dechlorinated water, then cleaned the gravel. Moved everything to my new tank, added more gravel, then started to refill the tank. I also put the old filter spounge in the new filter to keep the bacteria and alive. If u leave the spounge in your new filter, it will keep bacteria on it, whihc can be good if you are using your old tank as a quarentine tank. Hope that helps!
tttnjfttt said:
When i upgraded tanks, I tried to keep as much as water as possible, so instead of a 100% water change, it ended up being more like a 25%. To do this, I caught the fish and put them in a bowl. Then i took my gravel vac and started it running WITHOUT cleaning the gravel, just using the vac as a siphon. I then refilled my tank with dechlorinated water, then cleaned the gravel. Moved everything to my new tank, added more gravel, then started to refill the tank. I also put the old filter spounge in the new filter to keep the bacteria and alive. If u leave the spounge in your new filter, it will keep bacteria on it, whihc can be good if you are using your old tank as a quarentine tank. Hope that helps!
WE did the same and so far the new tank has been set up for about 5 weeks with no problems. We had to do a couple of extra water changes because even with the old filter, old water etc etc, the water parameters were not stable for the first couple of weeks. But fingers crossed we have taken the old filter medium out and the tank appears to be stable and cylcing nicely. The fish are obviously happy because they are breeding all over the place :crazy:
I am planing on leaving my old filter spounge in there, this way when i need a hospital tank, I can pull it out and have a fully cycled tank, ready to go. (obviously cleaning it if i have a sick fishy in there before building it back up)
I'm planning a move myself very soon...from a 5gal to a ten...i thought if i take out half the water in the ten and replace it with the water from my five, will it be ok? I'm also going to use the old gravel, and same filter & sponge, will this be okay?

that would be a 50% water change, am i right?
Should i 'save up' some old tank water from changes, and use some of that too? I think that might sound kind of useless, since the bacteria will prolly die...? (i know it sounds kinda gross)
i am really wanting big tank, i am willing to do more chores around the house to get it. it'll increase faster, cause i'm already doing alot of chores. but there is a little delay, 2 days ago, i kicked a hole in the kitchen wall by accident. that delayed it. so my theory is, if i do lots of chores around the house, i'll get it sooner.

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