Moving fish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
I would like to know what everyone thinks I should move over to the new 28 gallon reef tank. Keep in mind the 2 angels get along perfectly in the 55 gal. However I think the Domino Damsel is getting rather large and is beginning to get pugnacious with the other fish especially the clowns. I would like to move 1 or 2 from the 55 and not impact the social chemistry too much (except I dont think any of the fish will miss the domino... who would) especially with the flame and lemon peel angel.

Remember I don't plan on keeping corals in the new tank but again you know how everyone changes their mind later.

Let me know what you would do and why :) Thanks for the advice in advance.

55 gallon tank contents
1 Palette Surgeonfish (Pacific Blue Tang) - Paracanthurus hepatus (3")
1 Herald's (False Lemonpeel) Angel - Centropyge heraldi (3")
1 Flame Angel - Centropyge loricula (2.5")
2 Clown fish - Amphiprion ocellaris (1")
1 Domino Damsel - Dascyllus trimaculatus (2")
1 Yellowtail Blue Damsel - Chrysiptera parasema (1")

Your tang will not thank you if you keep it in 55 gallons for a very long time. 100gallons minimum im afraid or they will stress out and its then highly likely they will get whitespot and thus endanger the entire tank.
Many people say that tangs are whitespot magnest but many keep their tangs in less than ideal conditions. Tangs are very easily stressed and their skin is much softer than most other fish which is why they contract whitespot so easily As tangs are open water swimmers, 55 gallons is simply too small for them. Yes its possible for a tang to survive in a tank this size but it wont thrive :*)

Remember that when you introduce a damsel into a tank it will OWN the tank, this is regardless of its size! they are not called devil fish for nothing you know :*)

i would move teh dansels int the smaller tank (they will argue among themselves continouslybut at least they wont pick on the angels or tang which can get stressed).
yeah, just to add to what navarre said, once you put those damsels
into the 28, you will find it very difficult to add other fish down the road.

so since you are moving fish around, you may want to consider just how
much you like the damsels, and looking to see if your lfs will take them.

a large domino only gets meaner!
hyrookin said:
yeah, just to add to what navarre said, once you put those damsels
into the 28, you will find it very difficult to add other fish down the road.

so since you are moving fish around, you may want to consider just how
much you like the damsels, and looking to see if your lfs will take them.

a large domino only gets meaner!
And that the domino is. He is larger than my Flame Angel already and is catching up to the False lemon and Tang real quick. He is like a weed. I want to add LR to the 55 as the Angels will appreciate it.

My research did say that the yellow tail damsels appreciate LR too and will go well in there. So we will see.
The problem is this.... once you place liverock (or anything else) that can be used as caves and bolt holes etc, then its a territory worth defending. you might see a vast change in your damsels behaviour then :-( These little devils will easily see off fish far larger than themselves ( i have known dominaos chase off clown triggers 3 times their size!)

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