Moving Fish Frombad Water To Good, How?


Sep 18, 2011
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Merry new chrismas years all hic!

Seriously, ahem. I have been offerd 3 goldfish The owner (being polite) wants rid. They have been in a tank thats way too small, my daughters tank is perfect for upto 3 maybe 4 goldies at 100l but how will these new guys cope with such a change in water conditions?

Neither tank is heated so thats ok, i'm just wondering as i can litterally float the tank for the 3 fish in my daughters tank comfortably, it will look like a fry tank in there. Would that be an option to aclimatise.

Prob just being paranoid.
Well first off, that tank is still too small but I guess it's okay as long as you don't get more goldfish. It is suggested you have 20 gallons for 1 goldfish, which you have, then an additional 10 gallons per fish.
Next you could drip acclimate.
I know the 20 gallon stuff. I have never found anything definate to that piece of gospel being US or UK seing as its such a big difference.

I won't bother.
Bother with what? If your tank is that much bigger in that it'll look like there's a fry tank in there, and you'll keep up with good regular maintenance I'd suggest it because these fish will be much happier IMO, even though they are about 10-15 gallons under what is suggested.
Bother with what? If your tank is that much bigger in that it'll look like there's a fry tank in there, and you'll keep up with good regular maintenance I'd suggest it because these fish will be much happier IMO, even though they are about 10-15 gallons under what is suggested.

The fish, my daughters tank is clean, chemically stable on double zero's and disease free, her veiltail is happy and healthy.

Thinking about it, what nasties are 3 poorly treated fish likely to bring to her tank?
Are you getting standard goldfish or fancy goldfish? Standard Goldfish belong in a pond.

100 Litres is fine for 1 or 2 fancy gold fish if filtered well.
Are you getting standard goldfish or fancy goldfish? Standard Goldfish belong in a pond.

100 Litres is fine for 1 or 2 fancy gold fish if filtered well.

I believe its a fan and 2 veils, they all have fan type tails i haven't looked closely.

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