moving fish from old to new tank, advice


New Member
Oct 30, 2004
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hi all,

need some advice in moving my fish to a new tank.
ok, i have an established 30G tank, and my new tank is 60G double in size.
i have filled the new tank half-full, added water & sand. its been running for a few days now.
ive tested nitrate, ph, ammonia. all levels are the same, except for PH, ph is established tank is abour 6.8, in the new tank its about 7.4
is it possible to do the following

put the 2 tanks side by side.
put the outlet from the filter of the established tank into the new tank, and
the outlet from the filter in the new tank, into the established tank.
so basicly, the water will mix between the two tanks.
run it like this for a day or so. the transfer the fish to the new tank, and add the rest of the water, plants etc from established tank.

would this work? without upsetting the balance & stressing the fish too much?
:hi: to the forum. Introduce yourself in the newbie section. :D

I don't think that is a good idea, especially if your filters have high turnover rates...

I would suggest partial water changes in which you take the water from the older tank and put it into the new. The way I see it, your tanks will get to the pH that the older one is at right now, so changing the pH of the original tank would cause the fish some stress since the pH would be what they are used to right now.

You plan on using the same types of foods, water source, substrate, and plants and/or driftwood, in both tanks, right?
I think one question that should be asked is why your PH in the old tank is so much lower than the new tank. That would be a concern for myself because yes, you might be able to match the PH in the new tank to the old, but will the new tank hold that PH?
Unless both filters have the exact same flow rate, you risk draining one tank & overfilling another. The way around this is to build some sort of water bridge, which will only work if the tanks are both on the same level.

A better way of doing it would be to take half the media out of the established filter and put it in the new filter. Half the media will provide biological filtration for half of the fish load in the established tank. Put half the fish in the new tank & enjoy.

thanks for all the advice, the filters are of different type, so u may be right about possible overflow.
i will be moving all driftwood, stones, plants, into the new tank and using the same food. mainly use frozen food & live food, tend to stay clear of the fish flakes.
what i will do is transfer half the media between filters, this seams the best thing todo. and do partial water changes.

thanks again for the comments, they have been noted and appreciated..

anyone else want to make some comments, please do.

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