Moving Cory Fry To Larger Tank


Dec 17, 2009
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Hi, ive got some sterbai fry that are about 7 weeks old there in a plastic tub floating in the parent tank there all doing fine feeding them on microworms and doing twice daily 50% water changes and feeds i only have a airstone in with them at the minute as i cant fit a sponge filter in the tub.

Ive got all the kit to make a sponge filter ive got a 8gal arcadia ark tank and all i need to set them up in it, my question is can i leave them in the tub for a bit longer as its really easy to do the twice daily water changes on?

also i have this little 200lph mini filter its got a little adapter to slow the water flow on it, there too big to get sucked in the filter too, are they strong enough to swim away from it though? or should i make a sponge filter? i can add used media from my main tank into this mini filter as well.

if they went into the arcadia tank with the proper mini filter with used media from my main tank would i still need to do twice daily water changes or would i get away with just once daily?

EDIT: The fry tub looks a little dirty as i took the pic agter a feed and ive tried a few bits of crushed flake for a change.

Few pictures



Cute fry :good:

I'd personally would set up the 8 gal tank using the water from your main tank and put them in,they are now more active and would relish the extra space :)
If you're confident that the filter won't suck them up then put the mini filter in,otherwise you could put a thin sponge around the slots on the filter to prevent this.

You will have to try the filter with the fry in the tank,if they struggle then maybe change it to a slower sponge filter.

Water changes depend on the water stats at first,obviously these can build up in a fry tank,if not kept on top of,i always do a 10% w/c on my fry tank daily and clean the sand even though the stats are zero,daily w/c also promotes the growth of the fry. :nod:

Good luck with your wee fry :good:
Thanks for the info :good: i will move them over today then, would you use bare bottom or a layer of sand? its got a thin layer of sand in it at the minute.
I would leave the thin layer of sand in there,this prevents harmful bacteria building up on the bottom :good: although it will still need to be given a clean daily :)

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