Moving Common Pleco


Fish Herder
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Worcs, England
Hi, I have not bought the tank yet. But it will be soon.I am still negotiating! Better half objected to the idea of a 6ft tank in living room so I might have to have a 4ft. I would like to ask does anyone know of a good way of moving a Common Pleco, it measures about 7 inches. I am not too concerned about hurting the fish as I will be careful and they are armoured. It is a shy fish so is likely to become stressed if I don't know what to do and am too nervous or take too long. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks. :)
best way with common plecs is to grab them by the pectoral and by applying some pressue you can push there fins down by there side you then have a secure hold on them and can shift them to where you need.

if you don't feel up to that then you have submerse a tub and nudge the plec into that.
Thanks. I think I will try and catch it in a tub. I thought the answer might be something like that but I thought I would ask in case. I have only ever moved it when I bought it home from lfs and it was only very small then. I am really not looking forward to it but it has to be moved. :) I am looking forward to starting another tank.
One time and only once I had to get my pleco out of the tank for some reason I can't remeber but anyway it was staying behind the tube on the undergravel filter and I could get it to come out so I stuck my hand in their and scared him out but I still couldn't catch him with the net so while he wasn't paying attention I stuck my hand in their and grabed him with my hand and stuck him in the net and it worked surprisingly and he is still fine today because I was really careful. :nod:
Large plec, large tub or jar with a piece of zuccini or other tasty goody in it. Leave a large net in the tank to cover the opening once they swim in to chow down. The net prevents them from escaping as you remove the container, or jumping once you have them out of the tank.

Thanks. I did not want to catch him in a net because of his spikes getting stuck. It should be ok to use a net to stop him jumping out of the tub. I'm sure it will all be worth it to see him in his new home! :) Sorry if I sound like I doubt your advice, I don't. I just really hate catching any fish and I know the Pleco will hate it and he is a strong fish.
Nets are bad news for plecs. They are spiny fish that tend to get hung in nets, sometimes damaging fins. You can use a net, piece of eggcrate, a board , your hand, most any clean object to cover the opening. I figured most aquarists have a net available, it's a piece of equipment common to the hobby.

I have got a net, as you say an essential piece of equipment. In fact I have two as I have asked how to catch ordinary fish before and someone said two nets are a good idea. I have never seen the spines sticking out as he has never been really stressed and none of my fish are threatening. Anyway thanks both for your replies. I will just be glad when it is done! :) I am not very squeamish, I just don't like handling small creatures as they seem very delicate, compared to picking up a cat or dog.
If you put your thumb in front of the dorsal fin and your fingers on to the belly, the plec will usually lock out his fins and stiffen allowing you to put him the tank. Worked great on my royal and sailfin. Also works well with doradids.
Thanks. How big were your fish when you moved them? If I get a 55 UK gallon tank will that be big enough? I wanted a 6ft but I can't have one. My Pleco is 7 - 8 inches. :) If he lives a very long time and gets enormous I plan to get an indoor pond built for him! My husband isn't in on that little secret yet.

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