Moving Bns


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2005
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I have a pair of BN, who have had a few spawns together. Even though the male has raised the egg/fry, and have had a few leave the cave, im pretty sure there getting eaten by the tetras in there with them (although they could be hiding in the bogwood). So, I was wondering, if I try to move the BNs into their own tank, will this disrupt there breeding or will they get straight back into it (after they get used to the new tank).

The male has his favourite cave so this is what im most worried about.

Any help would be appreciated

Yes same here.. move the other fish :) BUt if you cant you do risk them stopping dead in their tracks with breeding. They are strange creatures, some will move happily (as long as you move them in their cave) and get right back to it, other will just stop and never breed again. Making sure the conditions in the new tank are as near to the old as possible. Using water/substrate etc from the original will also help. Same PH water temperature etc .
i don't think the teras would of ate them, mine bred with a large female swordtail in the tank and she never ate one, maybe just move the fry out after a few days of them appearing :good:
I dont think a tetra will eat them as if you had a peice of driftwood they'll all be stuck on that and if a tetra did eat it chances are it would kill it from digesting its stabbers or something?
move the other fish becuase if you move the bns they will lose there spawning site/s and become stressed out.

move the other fish becuase if you move the bns they will lose there spawning site/s and become stressed out.

move the other fish becuase if you move the bns they will lose there spawning site/s and become stressed out.
move the other fish becuase if you move the bns they will lose there spawning site/s and become stressed out.

move the other fish becuase if you move the bns they will lose there spawning site/s and become stressed out.
Go with what HODDY said.

Which time :D :D

We used to breed BN's in a tank with pristella tetras... and they ate well when there was small fry in there.

once they were free swimming (eg just after dad lets them out of the cave) they are still v.small, that and they go everywhere in search for food, they are pretty quick though.

If you are looking to breed for fun and arnt bothered about final numbers, I wouldn't worry, you wont be able to get rid of the fry quick enough if you set up a dedicated breeding tank - 50-60 fry every 4 weeks??

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