Moving Betta to 10 Gallon

I don't have any experience with bettas and ghost shrimp together, but the other fish you named should be alright. Some bettas are really docile and some are extremely aggressive. Don't worry too much if the betta flares at everyone and everything for a day or two until he can establish a spot for himself and feel secure. One of my boys even tried to play tough guy with the otos in his tank when they first moved in. :rolleyes:
sounds like a great combo, don't be shocked if your ghosties turn into lunch though :lol:
I think it sounds fine, depending on the aggressiveness of your betta.
Tonight after I do water tests/changes, I shall move one of my Bettas to my 10 gallon. I'll watch him and see how he does. If he's too aggressive, I'll take him out and try one of the others in there. Thanks for the help! I will let you know what my Betta thinks of his "whole new world".

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