Moving betta across country


Fish Crazy
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Amherstburg Ontario Canada
Sometime during the summer I'll be moving across country. It will be a 4 day drive. What will be the best way to bring my betta for a trip?

I was thinking maybe putting him in a jar with a lid for the trip, but I'm wondering if they can run out of air that way?

I need a game plan here.... any ideas?
So long as it has holes in the lid he should be fine. Bettas have a labrinth organ that allows them to breathe air directly. :D Just make sure you have the jar on something flat. If the water is splashing around he might get a bit stressed..
Hi Loboto-Me :)

I think one of the things that might pose a problem on a long car trip is trying to keep the temperature of the water from fluctuating.

I am going to move this thread to the Tropical Chit Chat forum, since you may get useful input from other fishkeepers that would apply to your situation.
The temperature changes could be amazingly drastic in the summer. I would try to make sure the air conditioning worked to keep the temperature stable. The idea of a lid is obviously necessary but some holes or slits could probably be put in the lid so that there is some air exchange. Also I would probably bring some extra dechlorinated water from home so that you could do a water change. I wouldn't use water from areas that I hadn't tested before and the fish would be already used to the water you had at home.
Put it in a ziplock back and place the back in a cooler. Make sure you cushion the back so it doesn't move all over the place. If you put it in a jar, the betta my injure itself my a sharp turn or regular driving.
If you use bags , I will advise to use 2 bags one inside the other to eliminate or round the corners .. sometimes the fish is trapped in the corners (if you use the one bag)
Get your neighbor to keep them for three days then send them next day delivery to your new address and you arrive the same day...............
I took my betta on a 6 hr trip close to Ottawa while I was staying there for a few weeks. What I did was put him in a round plastic container (so he doesn't hurt himself on sharp corners) with a lid (no holes). Bettas can live fine with out ever comming to the serface if they have to (study shows). But what I did was 'burp' him every 2 hrs (that is opening the lid a little to allow fresh air in).

Also I transported a 1 foot goldfish in a cooler 1/3 full (lid on). He survived the trip and is doing fine now, but when I first got him home he had brused fins (red colouration in the tail-possibly blood). It seems it is easier to transport smaller fish than it is large ones :look:

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