It seems that my 55 gal is about ready for my angels again...the only problem is the pH is at 6.8-7.0....and the angels are currently in 2- 10 gal tanks with a pH of 7.6-7.8.
How do I go about doing this without sending them into shock again?
I am pretty sure my tank is cycled, no ammonia, nitrites, and only 20 nitrates.
for several days now.
My tap water is about 7.8...that is why the other tanks have that pH....I haven't added anything to them, nor will I to the 55 gal in the future,
but do I need to lower the pH with chemicals in the holding tanks to prepare them for the move.......or should I wait till I can do a couple of water changes on the 55 gal to see if the pH will come up?
Could the large piece of African driftwood in the 55 gal affect the pH that much, should I take it out for now to see if that helps?
When I do put them in......should I put them in all in one day...there are 11, six adults, 2 almost adults, and so on.....or should I add 1/2, give the tank time to adjust then add the others?
I hope someone can make some sense out of this!
How do I go about doing this without sending them into shock again?
I am pretty sure my tank is cycled, no ammonia, nitrites, and only 20 nitrates.
for several days now.
My tap water is about 7.8...that is why the other tanks have that pH....I haven't added anything to them, nor will I to the 55 gal in the future,
but do I need to lower the pH with chemicals in the holding tanks to prepare them for the move.......or should I wait till I can do a couple of water changes on the 55 gal to see if the pH will come up?
Could the large piece of African driftwood in the 55 gal affect the pH that much, should I take it out for now to see if that helps?
When I do put them in......should I put them in all in one day...there are 11, six adults, 2 almost adults, and so on.....or should I add 1/2, give the tank time to adjust then add the others?
I hope someone can make some sense out of this!